Chapter 22: In the Center Ring

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This is a pretty long chap. Hope it makes up for the long wait! Just letting you know. Enjoy!

Third Person POV

Robin woke up slowly, cracking his eyes open a tiny bit to allow them to get used to the light. He had finally regained his normal sleep schedule - much to his friends delight - and had started eating regularly. The teen still hadn't had any luck in finding his missing brother and neither had his former mentor. It stumped both of them. How was it that there was no sign of him anywhere? Surely he had to have been found by someone by this point and contacted authorities. That is... unless he was... 

No, Robin wouldn't think like that. Danny was out there somewhere alive. And he was going to find him no matter what. 

The raven haired teen climbed out of bed and headed into the main room where his friends were already waiting. Beast Boy had set up a red curtain in front of the kitchen area and had pulled the couch and a few tables near it. Raven sat on the couch reading a book accompanied by Starfire. Cyborg chuckled in amusement as he watched the green skinned teen struggle to push a bathtub in front of the red curtain. Robin went over to the couch and sat beside Cyborg. Leaning towards his friend Robin asked, "What's this all about?"

"No idea." Cyborg replied with a smile. "But he's been at it all morning. He moved the bathtub all by himself."

"Couldn't he just transform to make it easier to move?" Robin questioned not bothering to ask why Beast Boy would want to move the bathtub to the main room. In response, Cyborg shushed him and continued to laugh at Beast Boy's struggles. Robin folded his arms on the table in front of him and rested his head on top. Behind his mask, Robin felt his eyelids grow heavy and he soon was snoring.

Once Beast Boy had finally gotten the bathtub to where he wanted it, he hopped in and held up a sign. Written on it were the words 'Beast Boy's All Star Prop Comedy Revue' in a funny font. Beast Boy repeated the title out loud, welcoming everyone to his performance. He lowered the sign back into the bathtub and began his routine. "I know what you're thinking," he began, " there's nothing more annoying than when you can't play your tuba in the bathtub." He smiled and looked out to his audience.

Robin was fast asleep on the table, Cyborg was no longer laughing and Raven simply continued reading her book. As Cyborg's head fell back against the couch and he groaned Raven commented, without looking up from her book, "More annoying than this?"

"SHHHHH!!! " Starfire said as she bounced up and down in front of the tables. "Please, continue!!" She said eagerly to Beast Boy.

Said teen was now wearing scuba goggles and had a mouthpiece attached to a long leadpipe in front of his face. "Well," he started, "that won't be a problem if you have a tuborkel!" Beast Boy lifted a large tuba out of the bathtub and held it up so everyone could see. "Get it? It's part tuba, part snorkel! Tuborkel! Huh? Well?" He took a deep breath and began to play while Robin and Cyborg continued to doze. Starfire cheered him on and Raven sunk lower on the couch. 

Just then, a loud alarm sounded, waking the two sleeping Titans and bringing the others to attention. Everyone, save for Beast Boy, stood in front of the screen on the tower's large window  looking at the flashing red letters as a mechanical voice announced, "Intruder alert. Intruder alert."

Cyborg turned and smiled, pumping his fist. "All right!" He exclaimed, "We're under attack!" Beast Boy got out of the bathtub and frowned at Cyborg as the scuba goggles fell off his face. The Titans readied their powers for their approaching intruder and were soon greeted by a large floating orb crashing through the doors of the main room. Cyborg aimed his sonic cannon at the orb, only to lower it after the orb didn't do anything. "So uh, why isn't it attacking?" He asked.

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