Chapter 25: Dark Futures Part 1

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Third Person POV

It didn't have to end this way.

The day had started out just like any normal day. Wake up in the morning, get dressed, eat and head outside to take a walk. The same routine as always, and it was enjoyable. The sun was warm and not a single cloud blotted the endless blue sky. Its rays touched the earth and rid bodies of the chill in their bones left by the cold of night. The air was fresh and smelled of morning dew. Birds flew through the air, singing their songs and tweeting with delight. High up in the trees, a family of squirrels nestled together in their home. A smile was on the face of everyone, even the grouchiest old man. The city was serene as its buzzing population walked about the streets, full of happiness, of life. It was a perfect day. Nothing could go wrong.

Except... it did. Everything went wrong. And nothing would ever be the same after that.

Normal Line Break here, back from my very, VERY, short vacation. Enjoy the chapter.

"Daniel, look out!" The elder halfa barreled into the white haired teen. Both halfas crashed into the hard ground as a large beam of pink energy fired from a blaster attached to the wall. The beam hit the wall that had been behind Danny, causing a large explosion. Large pieces of sharpened metal and shrapnel fell down towards the two halfas. Vlad quickly drew his cape and covered himself and Daniel, throwing up a pink shield around them in the process. It protected them from the falling sharp objects. Once the blaster powered down and the last bits of metal had hit the floor did Vlad drop the shield. He looked down at the small teen hidden under his clean white cape. Danny looked up at the older man, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Um... Oops?" He offered, shrugging.

Vlad sighed and stood, helping the teen to his feet. "What were you thinking Daniel?" Vlad scolded as he released Danny's hand, "I told you that you were not ready for the Master levels. You could have been seriously hurt." 

Danny quickly became interested in a small piece of metal near his foot. "I thought that I could give it a little test run." He mumbled.

Frowning, Vlad placed a hand on Danny's shoulder. The teen was still interested in the small piece of metal. The elder halfa's expression softened, "I did not mean to sound harsh Daniel. I was just... scared." Danny's attention quickly snapped to Vlad, seeing genuine concern in his eyes. "I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt because of my carelessness." Vlad continued. He released Danny's shoulder and turned away from the teen. "Why don't we take a small break?" Without waiting for Danny's answer Vlad walked out of his personal training facility. As he closed the door behind him, Vlad stole a glance at Danny who was slowly following after Vlad. A smile threatened to make itself known on Vlad's features, but he fought the urge. "This is too easy." He mused as he made his way through the control room that monitored the training facility. 

He let two black rings form around his waist as he walked and felt them spread across his body, transforming his white HAZMAT suit into a snazzy black business suit. He exited the control room through a false shelf in his wine cellar, walking through the heated room to a flight of stairs leading to a private parlor where he would normally entertain his important guests. Vlad heard the soft footsteps of the teen slowly following after him. The elder halfa frowned, maybe he had gone too far this time with his act. Or, was something else bothering his young ward?

The billionaire entered the parlor, taking in the setting. It had been decorated differently than the rest of his castle. The floors were hard, polished oak wood and the walls were a soft, creamy beige. Pieces of priceless art lined the walls, paired with bookshelves and small tables holding ornate lamps. A fireplace was located at the back of the room made of white brick. A marble mantle held some Packers memorabilia and in the space above rested a painting of the old Wisconsin Dairy King. Vlad had considered removing it when he renovated the castle, but felt it gave the room a certain charm. In the center of the room rested three plush, beige couches surrounding a large wooden coffee table. Vlad walked up to one of the bookcases and removed a book, taking a seat on one of the couches. He began flipping through the book as Danny walked out of the secret passage, back in human form. His head was lowered as he took a seat on the couch opposite Vlad and made a noticeable effort to avoid eye contact.

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