Chapter 23: The Great Train Rescue

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Third Person POV

The train was still only starting up so it wasn't going all that fast. It was slow enough that Sam and Tucker were able to make it to a nearby overpass and climb to the top of it as the train approached them. As the train whistle blew and drove under the overpass both teens gripped the overpass ledge tightly, sending small vibrations up and down their arms. Sam gulped, realizing what they had to do. Looking down at the train she shouted, "We have to jump!"

The train passed noisily below them and Tucker looked down at it in fear. "You crazy?" He questioned, locking eyes with his friend, "I can't jump!" 

"And I can't abandon Danny!" She retorted. They two held hands and slowly stood up, staying in a slight crouch as to not lose their balance. As they both looked nervously down at the fast moving train. They locked eyes once more and narrowed them in determination. Swallowing their fear the two friends leaped down from the overpass and landed hard on their feet, toppling onto their stomachs. Sam sighed as another thought passed through her mind. She glanced over at Tucker and said, "Plus, I'll never hear the end of it if my parents learn they're right about him being evil." 

Tucker raised an eyebrow at this and slowly began to stand up with Sam following after him. They got onto their knees and crouched low on the train, taking notice of how much faster the train was moving and the amount of cars on the train. "Great, how are we supposed to find Danny? Search all these cars one at a time?" Tucker asked, grumbling to himself. 

Sam furrowed her brow and pointed behind her to the cars closer to the front. "If I had to take a guess, Freakshow might be up there somewhere." She informed him, "If we destroy the staff then we free Danny from his control." 

Tucker smiled at the plan, but quickly frowned. "And how do we get it from him? He's probably got himself guarded and we're kinda without any weapons."

Sam frowned, unable to think of an appropriate response. "We'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it." The goth said, "For now, let's just focus on finding Freakshow." The two friends got to their feet without another word and made their way to the front of the train, hopping over the gaps in between the train cars. The unspoken plan was to head to the car at the very front of the train and drop down. Then they would make their way through the rest of the train, hoping to find something of use to them. It wasn't the best plan but it was the best they could come up with at the time. 

Normal Line Break here. Okay, back to reading I guess. Have fun.

Near the middle of the train, Freakshow sat on top of a wooden crate counting a pile of crisp bills. His four minions surrounded him and his trusty staff rested by his side. There would have been all five of his minions with him but he had made Lydia stay behind to entertain his guests at the free show. He had noticed that their newest member hadn't been settling in very well and was prone to fits of 'free will'. As the ringmaster glanced up at the boy he could see him fighting against the call of the staff. He shook his head, resistance against the staff was futile. His parents had used the staff before him and he had seen its powers in action. No ghost could resist its powerful call. Those who tried eventually drove themselves mad. Freakshow frowned, he couldn't risk losing the boy. He was more useful than his other minions would ever be and took orders very well. The only issue would be to crush any remaining bit of free will he had in him. Freakshow grinned at the thought.

Each remaining member of the nightmarish circus heard the loud footsteps approaching them from the roof of the train cars. They all looked up in surprise as the footsteps went right over their heads. The four ghosts narrowed their red eyes as they stared up at the roof in suspicion. Freakshow snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his minions angrily. "What are you waiting for?" The ringmaster questioned, taking his staff in his hand and placing the bills he had been counting beside him. He pointed his staff at the roof, the glowing red orb spiraling with its color and commanded, "GO!" All four ghosts got ready to race through the train to get ahead of the trespassers. The dwarf, strongman and elastic ghost all raced out of the car and Danny began to follow after them, only to be stopped by a quick command from Freakshow. The white haired ghost boy paused immediately and turned to face his Master. Freakshow smiled, "You go that way," the ringmaster commanded, pointing in the opposite direction that his other minions had headed. 

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