Chapter 14: A Lab Accident

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Third Person POV

Robin gently rubbed his thumb on the corner of the old picture. His eyes drifted upwards towards the secret compartment in his closet. The picture hadn't been the only item he'd hidden. Hidden in the compartment along with the picture, was a letter. A letter that had arrived almost a week ago, addressed to him. He had opened the letter, but the second he saw the handwriting he put it back in the envelope it came in. At the time, he didn't care what the letter said and had no intention of ever reading it. But now... He reached into the compartment and pulled out the ripped envelope, placing the picture where the envelope once rested. Robin took the letter out of the envelope and started to read.

'Dear Robin,

I know there is a likely chance that you aren't going to read this letter, so I will be coming to Jump City in about a week to speak with you if you haven't contacted me before then.'

Robin softly growled at the words. How was it that Batman could predict almost every single one of his actions? "He's Batman." Robin muttered.

'At the small chance you do read this letter, I will be straight with you. Crow is missing. He has been missing for around six months now and Dr. T has stated that, in their medical opinion, Crow has a case of amnesia. I have searched Gotham high and low for any trace of him, but I couldn't find him. While I searched for him, I also searched for you. Your disappearance hurt Crow greatly, and he felt as if you hated him. When I found you I was so relieved that you were safe. I didn't want to tell you about this, but after what happened the last time I kept a secret from you I didn't want a repeat. 

Robin, I need your help in this. Crow could be in great danger and we have no way of knowing. Your new team can help as well, just make sure your identity remains a secret, as well as Crow's. I know we didn't part on good terms, but I hope that you can put aside our differences just this once, for Crow.


Robin folded the letter back up and placed it back in the envelope. He returned the envelope to the secret compartment, his expression as hard as stone. He would work with Batman, but only this time. For the sake of his brother. As he replaced the panel in the closet, Robin whispered a promise to himself, "I will find you Danny, even if it takes the rest of my life, I will find you. And when I do, I'll swear to never abandon you again.


Danny woke up in his bed on a early Saturday morning. He had been living with the Fenton's for half a year now and life couldn't be better! He had a caring family, two awesome friends, and he was doing extremely well in school. Aside from Dash making it his personal mission to make Danny's life miserable, everything was going great!

 There was still the nagging voice in the back of his mind, telling him to do this and do that, but he'd learned to ignore it. The only thing that bothered him was his dreams. He would feel as if a part of his lost memories were returning, then something would happen causing him to wake up. Either the sound of an explosion or a crowd screaming followed by a sickening crack, then all he would see was red.

He had told Jazz about these dreams and she had said it was his subconscious mind trying to regain his lost memories, though something was preventing it from happening. She had told him that, in time, his memories would return. He just had to be patient and not force it.

Danny quickly got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. He was surprised to see only Jazz at the table, reading a book and munching on a piece of toast. Danny poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down beside his adoptive sister. "Where's mom and dad?" The teen asked.

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