Chapter 21: A New Friend

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Third Person POV

Danny slowly opened the door to Vlad's private study, the voice still screaming at him in his mind. He ignored it as he took in the magnificent room. The floor was made of polished wood and had a large gold and green carpet in the center of the room. To the left there were book shelves that reached the ceiling and lined the entire wall with a small open area in the center where a cushioned lounge chair rested, a small wooden table with a lamp on top beside it. The right side of the room held more bookshelves, though they were smaller than the ones on the right. A oak desk covered in papers, files and assorted knick-knacks rested in front of the shelves. The back of the room held a large fireplace made of grey stone. The mantle was made of polished black marble and had a golden football ornament on either side of the mantle. Vlad stood near the desk and beckoned Danny into the room.

The teen walked into the room and Vlad approached him, reaching behind the boy to close the door. The older man then walked back over to his desk and Danny followed after him. "Daniel," Vlad began, facing away from the teen, "I am honored that you chose to trust me with the story of your past."

Danny rubbed the back of his neck and pulled at the scratchy suit collar around his neck, "It's nothing really. It's not like it's a major secret or anything. It's barely even a story." The voice in his head had stopped screaming at him, choosing to be silent once more. The lack of noise in his mind made Danny feel slightly nervous. Just moments ago it had been screaming at him for some reason and now it was completely mute. That didn't feel right to him.

Vlad chuckled, "I suppose you have some other secrets that are of more importance than your origins." The older man had no need to turn around to know what Danny's reaction was. 

The teen was confused by Vlad's meaning and thoughts began to race through his head. What could he be talking about? Did Vlad know something about him that Danny himself didn't know? Actually, that last one might end up being true as Danny barely knew anything about himself. His eyes widened as the voice returned, whispering, "He knows your real secret." 

Danny gulped; that couldn't be possible! There was no way Vlad could know about his ghost half! Was there? Danny shook his head and decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Vlad smiled and turned to finally face the boy, raising an eyebrow at him, "Oh don't play dumb Daniel, it really doesn't suit you."

Danny felt a blush of embarrassment rise in his cheeks and he fought to keep it down. "I really don't understand what you're talking about Mr. Masters." The dark haired teen insisted. 

Vlad nodded, "It's alright Daniel, you can trust me." The elder halfa noticed that the teen looked very uneasy. A thought came to mind. "Daniel," he started, "can I ask you to keep a secret?"

Danny grew even more confused, but nodded in agreement.

Vlad smiled, "Excellent." He walked to the center of the room and faced Danny. "What I am about to show you must stay between us. Do you understand?" The billionaire asked, though he knew he had no need. 

Once more, Danny nodded. The voice in his mind cried out and Danny chose to ignore it. 

Taking a deep breath Vlad closed his eyes and searched inside himself for his fiery core. He found that power and grabbed hold of it, allowing it to spread through his body. A black ring appeared around his waist and spread across his body turning his skin blue, his clothes white, his grey hair black and morphing his teeth into fangs. Vlad opened his now blood red eyes to look at the teen in the room with him. Danny's jaw immediately hit the floor as he took in Vlad's new appearance.

"Y-You were. . . You are. . ." Danny found it hard to form sentences at the moment. Vlad was a half ghost hybrid too!? And not only that, he was the mysterious ghost that had attacked him night!

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