Chapter 26: Dark Futures Part 2

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**WARNING** This chapter is extremely long (over 7000 words to be precise). I guess I'm going to be making a part 3 of this (even though I'd hoped I'd be able to get everything I needed to get done in this chapter so we could get more Teen Titans in this. Ugh) Hope you don't mind a lot of reading!

Third Person POV

Everything was dark, until a flash of bluewhite light filled their vision and the three teens dropped into the dark future they had been witnessing from Clockwork's tower. Sam and Tucker fell to the ground while Danny hovered above them. Tucker was the first to recover and looked around, taking in his surroundings. "Man. If this is what we have to look forward to, I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T. test." He stated.

"How do you think this all happened?" Sam asked as she sat up and looked around herself.

Danny floated around the small area that they had been dropped in, taking in all of the debris around him. "I don't know. But based on what we just saw, I have a really bad feeling I'm the one responsible." He said, uneasily.

The sound of a blaster charging up could be heard and an older looking Valerie emerged from the rubble on her jetsled. She held a shoulder-mounted blaster in her hands and was aiming it at Danny. "Got that right, ghost!" She said as she fired the blaster, the kickback knocking her back a little. 

The blast struck the street right in front of Danny, blowing the street apart. Danny retreated into the street, then rose back up through it intangibly to face off against Valerie. "Valerie! Listen to me!" He shouted at her.

Valerie's eyes narrowed, "You can't fool me this time, Phantom." She fired her blaster again and Danny flew into the air to dodge the hit. She gave chase on her jetsled and continued to fire at him as he continued to dodge. Danny spun around to charge at her and Valerie leaped off her jetsled. Danny realized this too late and was caught off guard by the board, allowing Valerie the opportunity to trap him in an electrified purple energy net. He fell to the ground and Valerie landed nearby. She trained her blaster on him and powered it up. "I've been waiting a long time for this. Goodbye and good--"

"Valerie, no!" Tucker shouted as he and Sam leaped in front of Danny, protecting him.

Valerie backed up in surprise as Sam added, "Don't shoot!"

Green eyes widened in shock and confusion. "Sam? Tucker? I-It's not possible! This is a trick! You can't be alive!" Valerie stuttered as she took a step away from the trio.

"Wait. Not alive?" Tucker asked, lowering his arms, "That's our future? I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T.!"

"The C.A.T." Valerie whispered, "That's the last time I saw you alive. The explosion at the Nasty, Tucker, Danny's family--" Anger flared in the older woman's eyes and she trained her gun on Danny once again. "And it was all your fault!" She shouted, pain in her voice. "All of their deaths, it's because of you! Koriand'r, Garfield, Raven, Victor, Richard! All of them gone thanks to you!" The whine of her blaster intensified as she readied her finger on the trigger, "And I'm going to make sure you pay for their deaths."

Just then a flash of green flame washed over the street, knocking Valerie to the side with a scream. The trio looked up to see the origin of the flames. A blue skinned ghost with flaming white hair that was partially tied into a ponytail and blood red eyes. He had pointed ears and fangs along with a goatee. He wore a black jumpsuit with white trim, a white belt, black gloves, and white boots. He also wore a cape which is white on the outside and black on the inside. On his chest was a familiar logo, a white "D" with a black "P" inside it.

"Actually, that was me." He said, looking down at Danny, "And you, eventually." The intimidating ghost landed on the street a few feet away from the three teens. "Sam and Tucker." He began, accenting each of their names. "It's been a while. Ten years, to be accurate." He raised a glowing hand surrounded by green energy and swept in down, encasing Sam and Tucker in a green glow rendering them motionless.

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