Chapter 28: Revelations

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Third Person POV

Danny hadn't planned on sleeping at Kylie's and Holt's overnight. He thought he would wake up early, leave them a thank you note and fly home before either of them realized he was gone. But the next morning Danny awoke when he felt a large hand gently shake his shoulder. His eyes cracked up and he rubbed away the lasting bits of sleep as Holt's large frame came into focus. "Hey there Danny, how are you feeling?" The dark skinned man asked, his tone almost fatherly.

"Better." Danny replied with a smile. He attempted to get out of bed but Holt put a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh no you don't." He said with a chuckle. Danny stared up at him confused.  "Kylie would roast me alive if she learned I let you out of bed without her medical clearance." Holt explained.

As if by summons, Kylie appeared in the doorway, a small tray in her hands. On the tray was a glass of milk paired with a small stack of pancakes with bacon and eggs on the side. "That's right." She said with a smile. Kylie walked over to Danny and placed the tray on his lap. She kissed her husband on the cheek. "Happy wife." She began, raising an eyebrow at him.

The man sighed. "Happy life." He finished. Danny mentally gagged at the mushy romance between Kylie and Holt. But he couldn't help think of Jack and Maddie when they were romantic with each other. They really cared about each other. Jack flew to Arkansas just to apologize to Maddie for crying out loud! 

The teen started digging into the breakfast Kylie had brought him. "Thank you both so much." He said in between bites. The food was delicious! "I don't know how I can repay you both for your kindness." The teen finished off the breakfast and Kylie took the tray away, placing it on the side table.

"There's no need." She told Danny, gently ruffling his hair with a smile, "Just think of it as a favor from a new friend." Danny smiled at her and tried getting out of bed again, but after one cold glare from Kylie he immediately went back to lying down while Holt tried to hold down a laugh. Kylie checked over Danny's injuries, changed his bandages and made sure that he wasn't suffering from any major wounds. She still insisted on taking him to a hospital but the teen refused, holding back the urge to say he'd been through worse. He imagined that wouldn't go over well with the two adults.

Once Kylie was finally finished checking over Danny she let him get up and gave him back his original clothes. She had washed them clean of blood and sewn up a few holes that had appeared in his clothes after his fight with Vlad. Danny thanked her and changed into his clothes once Kylie and Holt had left the room. After he finished changing he exited the room and found himself wandering into the living room where Kylie and Holt were waiting. The living room was ordinary with a wooden floor and beige walls. There was a patterned carpet in the middle of the room under a small wooden coffee table. Two brown couches were in the room, one positioned against the far wall and another close to the entrance of the living room. There a was TV set on top of a fireplace mantle, currently turned on. The couple was currently sitting close together on one of the couches watching what appeared to be an old cartoon.

Kylie looked up to see Danny in the doorway and smiled. "Hey kiddo. You feeling alright on your feet?" She asked, her features showing a hint of concern. 

Danny nodded. "I just wanted to say thank you again for taking care of me and letting me spend the night." He told them, hiding a blush. 

The couple smiled at him. "No problem Danny. We're more than happy to help." Holt said, pulling Kylie closer to him. The happy couple smiled at the teen. Danny couldn't help but think if his biological parents were this nice. Nor could he stop himself from wondering if they were, by some random chance, his real parents. But he knew that it wasn't true. No matter how he looked at it or wished it was that easy, he knew Kylie and Holt weren't his parents. But he did have parents somewhere else.

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