Chapter 32: The Bird and the Bat

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Third Person POV

Sunday afternoon, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson had been in Amity Park for two days now patiently awaiting a response from Danny. Bruce knew he had said that Danny could take as long as he needed to, but the billionaire could tell that his young ward was feeling a bit restless with all this waiting. Bruce sat in a plush recliner reading the morning paper, while casually glancing over the top of it to see Dick pace back and forth across the hotel room. "Dick, if you don't stop all that pacing you're going to wear a hole in the floor." Bruce said, taking a sip from his coffee.

Dick stopped pacing and turned to Bruce, frowning. The raven haired teen took a seat on the bed and slumped forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He couldn't help it. He was bored and anxious. The two of them had barely left the hotel since their arrival in Amity Park. They were leaving tomorrow and they had still heard nothing from Danny. He understood this was a lot to take in and Danny would obviously need some time to make his decision, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were doing the right thing. 

Danny had a life here. He had a family, friends, not to mention he was Amity Park's protector. If Danny went back with them they would be taking him away from his life. Dick placed a hand on his chin as he felt an ache in his heart. Maybe it was time to let Daniel Grayson go, so Danny Fenton could live.

Suddenly, Bruce's cellphone went off. The billionaire placed his paper on the side table and pulled out his phone, answering it. "Hello?" He said, expecting it to be his secretary from Wayne Enterprises or Lucius. 

"Mr. Wayne? It's Maddie Fenton."A voice said from the other end of the line. Bruce's eyes widened as Maddie continued, "Danny would like you and Richard to come over. He wants to tell all of us his decision together."

Bruce nodded, his eyes returning to normal. "Understood. Dick and I will be there as soon as we can." Bruce answered before hanging up the phone. He then finished his coffee, stood and walked over to the closet in the room to retrieve his coat.

Dick watched his guardian as Bruce tossed Dick's coat at the teen. "Where are we going?" He asked, slipping on the jacket.

Bruce finished putting on his jacket and took out his phone once more to call a cab. He turned to his former sidekick and responded, "To get your answer."


Almost twenty minutes later, the Fenton family along with Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson were once again gathered in the Fentons' living room. They were all going to get Danny's answer for Dick's question. 

Bruce had to admit he didn't expect Danny to answer it so soon. He thought the teen might take at least a week. But, maybe a lot had changed in the two years he had been missing. Danny had to have matured a lot and had most likely had to make a few hard decisions, being Amity Park's hero.

The young halfa sat on the lounge chair in the living room, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention and took a deep breath. "I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few days," Danny began, "and I think I've come up with an answer to my..." Danny trailed off for a moment before quickly resuming his speech. "My brother's question." 

Maddie reached for her husband's large hands and clasped them tightly. Jack gently rubbed his thumb over the back of his wife's delicate hand in a effort to help calm her nerves. Danny had refused to tell them his answer when he told them he had decided on what he was going to do. The two adults had been worried all day.

Jazz placed a reassuring hand on her mother's shoulder. She had been a bit worried too. She felt that Danny was making his decision too soon. Something like this required a lot of thought. Then again, her brother was famous for making quick decisions and in the end most of them turned out alright. Jazz bit her lip, pushing those thoughts from her mind and only focusing on her little brother.

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