Chapter 4

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I woke up at 12 in the afternoon, I got up then made my bed before walking into the bathroom, where I did my daily routine, I went back into my room to get dressed into my team whatever top along with light blue skinny jeans with a pair of black, and white converse. I left my hair down naturally, before I went downstairs to make myself a coffee, I was sitting down on the couch checking my emails when I noticed that one from the college I applied to the other day had replied back to me so I opened the email to see that my application has been accepted, and I have to go to an induction day on the 27th which is next Friday. I'm happy that I got into college since I thought I wouldn't get accepted since I never my second year of the last college I attended, it's obviously they don't care about that though when I was done going through my emails I decided to make myself some thing to eat, I made myself some pasta with a tomato sauce, and put some chorizo in with it.

I had finished eating so I went through to the kitchen to wash as well as dry then put away the dishes, I looked outside the weather is okay so I decided to go for a walk, I walked out of my front door before I locked it ,and when I was walking to my pathway I noticed that there is about 20 motorbikes along the street. I heard laughter then looked at Darren's house to see him standing next to about 7 guys who are laughing as well, I noticed that they are all wearing the same patch as Darren then  I decided to stop looking, and start going for a walk.

I have been walking about this town for over an hour I think, I keep going into shops to see if there is any work going about, I went into a cafe because they have a wanted sign up after I got the job at the cafe I went home then went on YouTube where I put on my music playlist while reading, and it's going on 10 pm so I decided to go for a bath while I put my music on I'm currently listening to 'SK8- Ain't Worried'. I got out of the bath before going into my room to get my pjs on which is a pj top along with pj shorts, when I finished putting my pjs on I went downstairs into the kitchen to make myself a coffee, and I was about to pour the water into the cup when my some knocked on my front door. 

I mentally sighed but made my way to the door, I opened the door to see Darren which made me give him a confused look, and he just smirked at me.

"I'm not trying to be rude but why are you at my front door at 10:45 at night?" I asked Darren.

"I came over because I am having a party, was kind of wondering if you wanted to come over" Darren tells me while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah sure. I will be over in about half an hour is that okay?" I say then asked him while smiling slightly.

"Yeah half an hour is good" Darren said as he walked away.

I closed the door as Darren walked away then went up to my room to pick an outfit for the party, and I found an outfit. I am currently straightening my hair when I finish doing my hair, I start to do my make-up after I have done my make- up I  then put my outfit on, and my outfit is a red corset with black high waisted skinny jeans then I decided to put on my black and red heels with skulls on them. I took a couple of pictures before I uploaded them to Instagram, went downstairs locked my front door before I walked over to Darren's house which made me start getting nervous but then remembered that this is a new me which means I can start a new life here, as I was walking up to the front door there were about 10-15 guys at the front door, and again they are wearing leather jackets, hoodies also hats with the same patches that Darren wears. I walked up to the front door then started debating to walk in or knock, and I was about to knock when one of the guys that were out the front came over to me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" The guy asked me while looking me up, and down before he winked at me.

"Hey. Darren invited me over" I tell the guy slightly scared.

"Oh right so are you his or are you here for all of us?" He questioned me with a smirk.

"Erm... I don't know what you're talking about" I tell him honestly while fidgeting with my hands.

"Well the way you are dressed, you said Darren invited you so are you his slut or you a slut for everyone here?" The guy asks me while explaining what he was talking about.

"I am not a slut also second Darren, and I are only neighbors" I tell him trying to sound confident but probably failing.

"Hey. Amy you made it also is Coco here annoying you?" Darren said/asked me while standing at the front door.

"Yeah I made it, no Coco isn't annoying me" I tell Darren while laughing which made Darren, and the guys that are outside look at me with a confused look.

"What's so funny?" Darren asked me with an amusement look on his face.

"Coco as in Coco Chanel" I say while doubling over in laughter.

Darren along with the rest of the guys started laughing well expect from Coco who is glaring at me,  Oops I guess he isn't really happy so I stood up straight, and then looked at Darren to see him looking at Coco.

"No it's not Coco Chanel, it's Coco you know like Coco the clown" Coco tells me with an other glare.

"I like Coco Chanel better than Coco the clown" I say to Coco,  he just looks at me then walks into the house.

I looked at Darren, and the guys did I just piss that guy off I thought to myself oh I feel bad now, I shouldn't have said that but it was really funny though. Coco Chanel needs to have a laugh because he isn't Coco the clown if he can't have a laugh,  isn't that what clowns are known for is to be funny.

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