Chapter 54

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Amy's POV

I was woken up with someone banging on the bedroom door, Carlos looked at me then smiled before walking to the bedroom door, and opening it to see Darren.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Carlos questioned him while glaring at him.

"I want to know what you think you're doing taking my club members?" Darren replied back while asking Carlos.

"I never took any of your club members they came to me because you are going to get them killed, they don't want to die for you" Carlos tells him with a smirked but also looking bored with the conversation.

"You better watch your back" Darren threatens Carlos.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THREATENING ME?!" Carlos shouts at Darren which made me scared a little.

"I think you should go to Amy, it looks like you've scared her or would you prefer it if I go over to her" Darren says while grinning like an idiot.

"You wouldn't fucking dare too!" Carlos shouts at Darren again.

Darren smirks at Carlos before stepping into the room, Darren doesn't get the chance to come near me because Carlos shot him right in the head, and I looked at Carlos then at Darren's dead body. I looked at Carlos with a shocked look, got out of the bed before making my way out of the clubhouse, and went to my house I went upstairs to my room. I'm not sad or angry at Carlos but the way he looked after he shot Darren made me feel uneasy, I started to run myself a bath then added a galaxy bath bomb to the water, and got into the bath.

I was getting out the bath when Carlos came into the bathroom, he looked at me with a guilty look, and then walked out of the bathroom. I wrapped a towel around me before walking out of the bathroom then went into my bedroom to see Carlos sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands covering his face, and I walked over to him then knelt down in front of him taking his hands away from his face.

"Carlos talk to me" I say to him while worrying about what he's thinking about.

"Princess...I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't ever want you to see that side of me ever but I just got so pissed off when he was walking towards you after he had the fucking nerve to threaten me, and I seen the way you looked at me after I shot him you looked so scared" Carlos tells me, and looks at me while he talks to me.

"I know you never wanted me to that side of you but Carlos I would have to see it at some point since it's the lifestyle that you live, I know you never mean for it to happen but it did there's nothing you can do about it now, and Carlos I was just a little uneasy because you stood there looking at his dead body with a grin on your face. You also pulled the trigger without a second thought" I say to Carlos while tracing his tattoo in his left wrist.

"Princess how can you still want to be near me? Most of the old ladies that find out one their husbands killed someone in front of them don't act the way you are" Carlos tells me.

"I'm not like most people though" I tell Carlos, he nods at me.

"Princess can you tell me what it was like when you were kidnapped?" Carlos asked me with a curious look.

I looked at him with a unsure look since I don't really want to talk about it but I trust Carlos, I think I should tell him what it was like since I haven't told anyone, and I nod at Carlos with a little smile.

"I was confused at first why I was taken, why they killed my parents I always thought that my parents where nice people who worked really hard to provide for me, and the day they died I was supposed to be at school but my dad told me I could take the day off since I was sick the previous day. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie when three men wearing black masks came into our house, two of the men grabbed my parents then shot them in the head, and it wasn't until the third guy seen me because I was crying that he picked up his phone then called someone called "boss" before dragging me into a white van. We finally stopped at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, one of the men dragged me out of the van before taken me into the cabin then downstairs to a basement, I sat on the concrete ground for hours before one of the men brought me a mattress with a bed sheet on it, and put it down for me along with a duvet that would keep me warm. The men always fed me 3 meals everyday also got to shower, gave me bored games to play with but one of the men tried to do something with me that I wasn't comfortable with, and once I got out of the basement I slit his throat. There was so much blood I went through drawers in the hallway that's when I found a folder with my name on it, and when I opened it there was a bank card along with other stuff so I took it" I explain to Carlos who didn't stop looking at me while I told him.

"Princess your so brave, you know that right?" Carlos tells then asked me.

"Why do you think I'm brave? I had food along with a bed, and got to shower. Most people that are kidnapped don't get that, they usually get beaten or worse stuff done to them" I question Carlos then say to him.

"Princess you must have been terrified with everything that happened just in one day never mind being in that cabin for 4 years" Carlos says before pecking my lips.

"Okay. I'm going to get dressed" I tell Carlos while getting off the floor.

"Princess pack some clothes" Carlos tells me which made me give him a questioning look.

"Why?" I question him.

"I'm taking you away from here for a little while, I did tell you once I come back we can go away for a bit no club stuff" Carlos tells me with a smile.

"Okay" I say while smiling back at him.

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