Chapter 41

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I woke up but Carlos wasn't in bed, I checked my phone to see what time it is but it's going on 10 am, I got straight out of bed then went for a shower before getting dried then put on a dress with tights, and heels. I went downstairs to see Carlos sitting in the living room with some members of his club, as well as a couple of the Dark Souls guys but they aren't wearing their patches which is weird, and Carlos noticed me which made him smile at me before giving me a questioning look, and I smiled at him before walking into the living room. 

"Where are you going?" Carlos asked me while looking me up then down.

"I'm going to work also did my alarm go off this morning?" I say before questioning Carlos.

"You aren't going to work, yeah I turned it off" Carlos tells me. 

"What do you mean I am not going to work? Why did you turn it off?" I question him kind of pissed off because of him I am late for work.

"You are not working for Darren anymore, I don't understand why you would want to after he hit you" Carlos says to me while looking at me. 

"I need money so I can pay bills, we have talked about this before" I tell him while sighing. 

"Amy you aren't working for him end of discussion" Carlos starts to shout slightly.

 I mentally rolled my eyes then smirked at him before walking out of the house to go to work, I'm just hoping that Darren isn't mad at me for being late for work, and I know for a fact that Carlos is going to be pissed off at me for walking out on him during our conversation. I was walking to work when I decided Carlos is right why should I be working for Darren, I could ask Carlos if he knows anyone that is hiring since he knows a lot of people, and I walked into the cafe then walked through to the back where Darren is. 

"You're late" Darren states.

"I quit" I tell him while Darren looks at me shocked. 

"You can't quit you need the money" Darren says while laughing.

"I have a new job" I lie to him.

"Okay. You aren't getting paid" Darren said smugly. 

"I don't want your drug money" I tell him then walk out. 

I was walking in the house while Carlos, and the guys were leaving. I walked into the house then went upstairs to get a pair of sweats on, Carlos walked in he looked surprisingly calm which I wasn't expecting, and Carlos walked over to me then grabbed my arm tightly but not tight enough to hurt me. I looked at him then to my arm, Carlos put his other hand on my waist then kissed me the kiss was rough but full of passion at the same time, and Carlos pulled away from me. 

"You disrespected me in front of my guys" Carlos tells me with anger in his voice.

"I never meant to disrespect you I swear, also I quit my job at the cafe so I kind of wanted to ask you if you know anyone that's hiring?" I say then question him. 

"I guess you finally seen sense that you didn't need that job,  yeah I might know a guy that's looking for bar staff" Carlos says, and tells me. 

I nod at him then gave him a curious look, Carlos smirked at me before kissing the top of my head, and was walking out of the room but stopped at the bedroom door then turned around to face me. 

"I'm going to the clubhouse, I would bring you with me but I'm going for business" Carlos tells me, and I smile at him. 

"You should go before your late" I reply back. 

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