Chapter 23

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Amy's POV

I have just finished my shift at work, which means that I'm currently walking home at 10 pm, when I got into the house I decided to go for a bath, and then I noticed that Carlos isn't in the house he must have gone home I thought to myself. Once my bath was ready I grabbed a bath bomb before letting it dissolve in the water then got in the bath, I got my phone since I wanted to listen to music, I decided to listen to  'Scru Face Jean- BLOOD' while starting to relax in my bath, and I spent an hour in the bath before getting out. I put on a sports bra with pj shorts, I was drying my hair when my bedroom door opened to reveal Carlos, he was standing there with a bottle of Jack Daniels while smirking at me.

"Hello princess" Carlos says while coming closer to me, I watched his every move.

"You're drunk" I state while mentally rolling my eyes. 

"That's correct princess" he says now standing behind me, he was watching my every move now. 

"How was your day?" I ask him while brushing my hair, and Carlos took a sip of the whisky. 

"My day is just the same as every other day princess" He tells me, and I nod at him.

Carlos put the bottle down on the dresser before he runs both of his hands over my shoulders, he bends down then starts kissing my neck,  I move away from him which made Carlos walk in front of me as I'm about to stand up, and he grabs my wrist gently. Carlos looks me in the eyes before he looks me up and down but he stops at my wrist, I notice what he's staring at so I pull my wrist out of his hold, and I move around him. I make my way downstairs to go into the kitchen where I make myself a coffee, after I made my coffee I went into the living room then sat on the chair while Carlos is sitting on the couch, and he is just watching me. We both have been sitting in silence for over 5 minuets, I went on my phone going through social media.   

"How long?" Carlos asked me which makes look at him, then back at my phone.

"I don't know what your talking about" I say playing dumb because I don't want to talk about it. 

"Amy just answer the fucking question... Stop playing dumb" Carlos tells me, he looks kind of mad. 

"I am not playing dumb Carlos, you're drunk I think you should go home" I tell him, Carlos laughed like a maniac.

"Princess I am drunk but if you think I am going anywhere you are dead wrong" Carlos says still laughing but I just nodded. 

"I am going to bed, I will speak to you once you're sober okay" I say while walking through to the kitchen with my empty coffee cup. 

I walk passed Carlos who is now drinking beer from my fridge, I went up to my room then put my phone on charge after that I got into bed, I lay there thinking about random stuff before rolling over, and going to sleep. 

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