Chapter 16

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I showed Harry to the spare room before I got him covers along with a pillow,  then walked into my room where I laid down on my bed with my earphones in, and I am listening  to 'Falling In Reverse- Just Like You'.  After a few more songs I took my earphones out, before putting my phone on my bedside table, and rolled over to sleep.

I woke up now I'm making my way through to the bathroom, got in the shower after doing my daily routine I got out then dried, and dressed. I am wearing a skull tank top along with black skinny jeans, and black heels on. I put on my speaker then connected my phone , I'm listening to 'Hollywood Undead- Black Dahlia' while straightening my hair, when I finish doing my hair I went downstairs then wrote a note for Harry.

"I am at work so help yourself to food."

I put my earphones in then started walking to work, when I got into the cafe it was really busy but I started taking orders, it's now been 2 hours since I started working, and the cafe is nearly empty. I'm on my break which is now over which means it's time to start working again, I was serving people then went to cleaning the tables, and I was giving a customer their change when Carlos along with his guys walk in which makes the whole cafe goes quiet. I mentally roll my eyes at how everyone goes quiet then everyone look at Carlos then his guys before everyone starts eating again. Carlos sits down before he signals me over to take his order, I walk over with my note pad and pen then give him a fake smile.

"What can I get you sir?" I asked him politely.

"Black coffee also blueberry pie" Carlos says in a bored tone.

"Is that everything for you sir?" I ask him while writing down his order.

"If I wanted anything else I would have said it with my order" Carlos tells me as he raises his voice.

"She is just doing her job no need to be a dick to her" a voice I know too well says.

I turn around to see Coco, I gave him a slight smile before I notice the rest of the guys coming in,  Coco sits down at a table with the guys, and I take Carlos order to the counter. When I get Carlos order I take it over to him, Darren signals me over to his table then I walk over with a real smile on my face.

"What can I get you sir?" I ask Darren.

"Can I get 5 black coffee's. 5 white coffee's, also 2 bits of chocolate cake" Darren tells me with a smile.

"Yeah, is that everything?" I question while writing down his order.

"Erm no there is one more thing" Darren says while playing with his beard.

"Okay. What's that?" I say then ask him.

"When is your lunch break?" He questioned me, and I look at the clock.

"After I take your order why?" I say/ask him confused.

"Come sit with us after you have done our order" Darren tells me.

"Is that everything now?" I ask him, and Darren nods.

I gave Darren along with the guys their order, I sat down on a chair next to Darren, and Harry. The guys were all talking while  I was just sitting there listening to their conversation, and I felt someone staring at me. I looked around  to see that it was Darren, he was giving me a confused look then he looked at me before looking at his phone, and told the guys that they need to get going.

The bikers next doorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora