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Jonathan walked the the kitchen, feet dragging along the hardwood with sleepiness, his tail flicked back and forth casually.

He needed coffee.

Jonathan's ears twitched as he heard a small gasp, his sharp green eyes instantly snapped to the counter where a tiny mouse hybrid stood like a deer in headlights.

Jonathan pulled back his lip in a snarl, revealing his sharp canines. Ever since, well, ever, mice hybrids and car hybrids have hated each other with passion. The mice really never stood a chance not against the massive cats, they would kill them, eat them, keep them as pets, and do merciless, unspeakable things to them.

The cat stalked forward and the mouse's ears twitched and he turned around. Jonathan pounced as the tiny being started to run, he caught its tail between two clawed fingers and dangled the mouse in front of his face.

The being squirmed, fruitlessly trying to escape Jonathan's grip. "What are you doing in my house?" The cat growled lowly, his ears pinned against his scalp in anger.

The guy flinched, his ears pressing against his head in fear, "P-Please!" The mouse cried pathetically, "Let m-me go! I-I'll be gone by tomorrow!" He begged, lacing his finger together.

Jonathan cocked a brow, he looked at his clock, "You'll be gone by noon," he corrected darkly. The mouse followed the cat's eyes to the clock and paled. He had three hours.

The mouse gnawed on his lip before nodding vigorously, "And if I ever see you anywhere near my house again your dead." He hissed, the mouse gulped and nodded again.

Jonathan practically threw the guy on the table, the mouse didn't waste anytime darting to the mouse hole conveniently placed next to the cupboards.

As the day went on Jonathan would catch the mouse desperately scavenging for food when he noticed Jonathan staring he would race for the nearest exit. Jonathan smirked, overwhelmed with power.

By noon any trace of the mouse was gone, Jonathan kept an eye out just in case, it had started to downpour right before noon. As the cat was digging through his fridge he realized he was out of milk.

He sighed deeply and grabbed his coat and keys, he stepped outside and froze, his brow cocked in confusion, his ears twitching.

Small cries, sobs and whimpers. Jonathan looked around expecting to see another hybrid but no one was there. He couldn't bring himself to leave, he followed the cries and made sure that he wasn't making any sound.

Finally the cries were at their loudest, his sharp green eyes scanned the area, he pushed his soaking hair out of his eyes, finally he noticed a small patch of mud, he kneeled. It was the same mouse from earlier, he noticed Jonathan and let out a loud sob, his shoulders heaving.

He was encased in mud up to his shoulders and was sinking further, there was no doubt in Jonathan's mind that he was going to drown. A pang hit him in the heart as the mouse sobbed again. He really never gave him a chance.

Jonathan reached down and the mouse looked at his hand warily with teary eyes, he didn't fight he just let tears run down his mud-covered face. The cat closed his thumb and first finger on the collar of the mouse's shirt.

Jonathan plucked the guy out of the mud with an audible 'plop'. He was completely covered in mud from head to toe. He was shivering, soaked to the bone, he didn't run when Jonathan placed him in his palms. It was like he just gave up and accepted his fate.

He went back into his home and took a seat at his table, he brought the mouse to his face and for the first time actually looked at the mouse.

The first thing Jonathan noticed was how young he looked, "How old are you?" He asked the mouse.

The boy's eyes widened, "W-What?" He asked clearly not expecting that out of the cat'a mouth.

"F-Fifteen." He murmured, fiddling with his dirtied sleeves.

Jonathan's eyes widened in surprise, "Where's your family, kid?" The boy gnawed on his lip before looking up at Troye with teary eyes.

"C-Cats." He murmured, the boy curled himself into a ball as if to block out painful memories. He was trembling and his tail was wrapped around himself.

Jonathan's eyes softened, he suddenly felt like the ultimate dick. He kicked out an orphan who was only fifteen into the pouring rain, "Kid I am so so-"

"Are you going to kill me?" He interrupted looking up at the cat expectantly.

"What? No! I, I, no I'm not going to kill you." The cat sighed, he looked at the mouse in his hands. "In fact, if you need a place to stay I'm-I'm willing to take you in."

The teen's eyes widened in surprise, "W-What?" He asked in disbelief.

Jonathan nodded and smiled softly, "If you need a place to stay my house is open to you."

"A-And you won't eat me?" He asked suspiciously, Jonathan smiled sadly and shook his head. The mouse didn't say anything for a moment, Jonathan looked in concern, only to see tears of happiness, "T-Thank you." He choked out.

Jonathan smiled, "Of course, what's your name, kid?"


"Nice to meet you Garret," Jonathan said with a smile, "I'm Jonathan, would you, um, like to get cleaned up?"

Garret nodded, looking at his body that was covered in dry, flakey mud. He smiled gratefully up at Jonathan, his ears springing out of his ears.

Jonathan smiled back and lifted the mouse to his warm chest, he walked to bathroom carefully.

The timid mouse was shy and definitely still scared of him but Jonathan had a feeling that the fear would eventually fade.

(Shitty ending I know)

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