🦋 pt. 2

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Eli ^^^


Clayton shut the door behind him as he walked into his apartment. He heaved a deep sigh, rolling his tense shoulders.

It had been a long day and the only thing on his mind was taking a nap. As Clayton stepped into the kitchen he spotted something unusual on the tiling.

Clayton's blood ran cold, passed out on his floor was the tiny boy he'd seen so many weeks ago. Clayton rushed to the being's side, with a gentle finger he rolled the tiny boy onto his back. He was shocked, he was so much skinnier.

Clayton held his finger against the boy's chest and let out a sigh of relief as he felt a heartbeat. With care he scooped the tiny being into his palms, he subconsciously cuddling into the warmth Clayton gave off.

He bit his lip, the boy was probably trying to get food, he was completely skin and bones. Clayton pressed a pinkie against his temple and pulled back immediately, his forehead was burning with a fever.

He cupped the boy to his chest and began making him a bed, he used a small Tupperware. Clayton placed cotton balls at the bottom for a mattress, he used a small piece of fabric for a blanket for the little guy, and for a pillow he rolled up a small piece of tissue.

Clayton set the tiny boy in the makeshift bed and pulled the blanket up to his chin. Clayton smiled softly as the tiny being rolled over and nuzzled into the pillow, searching for more heat.

Clayton took a small bowel and filled it with broth, he turned and put it in the microwave. He tapped his foot impatiently until the liquid was ready. Clayton turned and gasped quietly, the tiny boy was awake and was stumbling away from him.

Clayton set the bowl down and the boy began to run, only to get hit with a wave of nausea and collapse weakly on the table. Gently Clayton gathered the boy in his hands, he whimpered and weakly tried to kick Clayton's fingers away.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you." Clayton murmured in what he hoped was a soothing voice.

He set the boy back in his bed, propping him up against his "pillow", he tucked him in and took a small spoonful of broth. The tiny guy yelped and flinched back at the foreign object in front of him but as soon as he caught a whiff of the warm broth his stomach growled loudly.

Still he was hesitant and leaned back as Clayton brought the spoon closer to him, with utmost care he brought the spoon to the tiny's lips. He began to drink and Clayton smiled, broth dribbled down his chin as the boy continued to greedily drink until he'd gotten his fill.

Clayton smiled and placed the spoon back in it's bowl and looked at the boy, "Can I ask what your name is, sweetheart?" He asked gently.

The boy looked up in surprise and a small smile played on Clayton's lips, "E-Eli..." he whispered almost inaudibly.

Clayton's smile grew larger, "It's nice to meet you Eli, I'm Clayton. But you can call me whatever you'd like it." He said softly, afraid to hurt the little one's ears.

Eli yawned and Clayton held back a coo, "Rest," Clayton told him, "I'll watch over you, little one." Eli blushed softly and snuggled into his bed. Clayton brought the blanket up to his chin and ran a thumb over Eli's soft curls.

He smiled to himself and pulled out a book and began to softly read, he could feel Eli looking at him in confusion as he continued on. After a while he looked up and Eli was fast asleep, he let out a small coo.

"Don't worry, I'll look after you." Clayton murmured, pressing a small kiss to Eli's still burning forehead.


Yikes I'm posting this at school and I'm paranoid! This is for SamanthaGruber4 it was her birthday last week!

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