A little Admirer in the Walls pt. 2 ✍

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Mitch knows he had a little breakdown yesterday. Okay, maybe a big one. He didn't know how that episode happened or why, it just... did.

When Mitch was upset or angry, he borrowed. It was a stress reliever. Grumbling angrily under his breath, he shoved a cube of sugar in his pack, not remembering the use of it. Why was he doing this?

He could feel his surrounding melting away from his along with his stress as he evens his breaths, a slight pink tint still left on his tan cheeks from being so angry. "Stupid human," he mumbles under his breath as he picked up a paper clip and shoves it in his pack, which is getting quite heavy.

He huffs, paying no attention to the weight as he packs in more useless things, one by one.

He could feel Rin's cat, Mocca, rub his huge body against Mitch's mouse like one. Mocca was a good friend of his, they first met a couple years ago, when Rin just moved in and Mocca was still a kitten. Mocca never chased mice, only played with them including Mitch.

Mocca purrs softly making Mitch scowl. "Not now, Mocca," he grumbles, not looking up. The cat purrs once again, this time more persistent. He shoves the pet away with a glare. "For the last time! I don't want to play-"

Mitch stares up with wide eyes. He freezes up, caught like a deer in headlights as the gigantic human gazes down on him with equally as wide eyes, theirs filled with wonder and disbelief while Mitch's are filled with terror and fear. A knot twists in his stomach as thoughts rush through his head.


So he did.


When Rin walked into the kitchen to get a coffee, he didn't expect to see a little person walking across the counter and grumbling angrily under his breath with a light blush.

Rin didn't act, however, only dropping his jaw and watched. He couldn't move, it felt like all his bones in his body had frozen up. He stares, watching the little guy's movement with wide eyes. He was so...human like. It was breathtaking.

He didn't realize that Mocca had jumped up until he made contact with the borrower. Rin's eyes widen, moving towards the counter to removed his cat away from his prey.

However, his breath hitches as minuscule, frightened, brown eyes lock onto his light green ones. They don't move for a moment, hearts in their throats as they stare. The little borrower is the first to make a move, turning tail and running, dropping his bag in the process.

Rin's eyes widen, his hands acting before his mind does as he slams his hands in front of the little admirer.

Rin gasps as the little guy squeaks in terror, curling into himself and turning into a quivering mass. Rin's eyes soften, feeling the trembling body against his hands that cage him in like some animal.

He sighs, he probably scared the little one to death! Guilt rained down on him like a storm as the borrower's shoulders started to heave with tiny sobs of fear.

That was it, that was the snapping point. Rin couldn't keep him captive like this, it was inhuman.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Never in his life would he thought he would have use of a Dr. Seuss quote.

He gingerly lifts his hands up, freeing the little guy from his grasp. He flinches heavily as Rin's hands soar above him. He wastes no time, scampering up and scurrying to hide behind the box of baking soda.

Rin, without losing sight of the little guy, pulls up a chair and sits in front of the counter.

His jaw falls open, then closes as if testing his jaw movement before speaking quietly. "I, uh, I got your letter," he swore he could hear the little guy's breath hitch. "Those were very nice things to say and in my defense, when I was dancing, I didn't know that there was a little person watching me."

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