🚁 pt. 1

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If Kong from Kong Skull Island was a giant, Written by yours truly UGHlashton

Slivko wiped the blood from his forehead, the red substance staining his helmet as the grip on his gun got even tighter. Of course he had to be the one separated from the group; this idea of coming to this island was god awful. He could be at home, snuggling in his warm bed with a bag of popcorn but they just had to come here.

His helicopter was taken down by... Slivko shuddered, remembering just how huge it was. A fucking giant. They were fighting a man eating giant. He was stuck alone on an island with a man eating giant. He pulled out his phone, sticking the wire up.

"Fox one, fox two, this is fox three over." Slivko tried, unclicking the button. Licking his lips, he tried again. "This is fox three, is anyone still out there? Over."

Nothing, only static. He sighed hopelessly, tucking the device back into his pocket.

Slivko smacked a bug away from his face, his boots getting muddy and wet from the dampness of the ground. The humid heat caused his face to flush red as he wiped more sweat and blood from his face.

Slivko tensed, hearing a soft chitter from the unknown of the forest that surrounded him completely. His hazel eyes scanned the strange trees fearfully, looking for any signs of a threat. He gulped, quickly bringing his gun up, ready for any shot he needed to take.

He started to back up, his focus never leaving the now loud chittering sound as he backed into a clearing. His breathing echoed in his ears as he started to shake with fear.

Suddenly, a large skull faced predator sprung up at him, making his eyes go wide. It was huge! Surely, he was going to die. Frantically, he shot his gun, watching with panic as the bullets had little to no effect on the crawling creature.

Slivko gasped as the gun started to click instead of firing bullets, turning tail and running. His escape plan was cut short as something grabbed onto his leg, breaking skin and flesh. Slivko screamed, feeling himself get dragged towards the large alligator like creature. He dropped his gun.

"No!" He screamed, tugging frantically at his leg as he felt himself get lifted upside down. He felt the blood rush towards his torso, tears trailing down his face. The pain was excruciating.

However, he heard the creature yelp in pain, instantly dropping Slivko to the ground. He landed with a thud, but scrambled to a safer spot with hesitation. He fell behind a rock, giving himself a place to catch his breath. He grunted, biting on his knuckle to keep himself from screaming in pain from his throbbing leg. Wincing from both the fighting of the two huge monsters and his leg, he took off his jacket and wrapped it tightly around his leg, cutting off the blood circulation.

His leg was quite the brutal sight, bloody and mangled. You could even see the bone. Slivko wanted to throw up.

Tears continued to flow down his cheeks as the fighting stopped, the only sound being the larger creature's heavy breathing. Slivko screwed his eyes shut, hoping the beast would just take his victory and leave. However, that wasn't the case as he felt the earth tremble under him, getting closer.

"No, no, no, please leave," Slivko whispered, begging as he curled into himself, gripping his jacket tightly.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. Slivko gulped, afraid to open his eyes. He kept the shut tight, feeling the large beast tower over him. He choked on a yelp as two, heavy thuds shook him to the core, surrounding him.

His trembling continued as the creature muttered something unintelligible under his loud breath. Slivko gasped loudly as something soft poked him in the side, rolling him onto his back. He moaned in pain as the impact caused his injury to swipe across the ground.

Hesitantly, he opened his eyes, cringing as they got used to the bright, beating sun that found its way around the large creature.

The giant.

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