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Evan sat in the shadows of the walls, gnawing on his lip as he peered out. He nervously tugged at his shirt as he trembled slightly. He was in one of those moods again, he flinched heavily as Connor threw a history book at the wall with a frustrated cry.

Evan trembled as the human began to yell, hysterical tears dripped down his cheeks. Evan was afraid, afraid of what he might do to himself. Evan had helplessly watched Connor hurt himself from the walls.

The borrower wanted nothing more than to be his size and hug him, Evan shuddered at the idea. Connor would think he was weird he knew it, too clingy and awkward. Evan frowned, knowing he'd probably be to anxious to even talk to Connor.

Evan flinched as the door slammed, he looked up, hugging himself. Connor has left the room, Evan looked at the room, it looked like a tornado had flown through the room.

Evan pushed himself up with his good arm, he ducked under the dresser and into the open, that was the good thing about Connor. He was messy, which was as good for a borrower.

Evan gasped as the door opened again, he dove under the bed. Gasping as he landed on his bad arm, he clutched it close to himself and blinked back tears.

Evan could tell it was broken from... falling off the counter. He didn't know what to do about it, it's not like he had access to a doctor. So Evan let it hang limply at his side, occasionally the pain would go away but not often enough.

Evan looked up as he heard a soft, broken sob. Connor sat there, a bottle of pills in hand, Evan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He had looked at those pills many times, they weren't for Connor, they were for his mother.

Evan gasped softly as the giant dumped half the bottle into his hand, he brought his hand to his mouth. Evan panicked he couldn't let him do this! It would kill him! Evan began to sweat, he picked furiously at his shirt, and began to hyperventilate.

Thoughts raced through his head, his brain overwhelmed, "Stop!" He suddenly yelled, his hands clasped tightly over his ears.

The world seemed to go quiet Evan slowly dropped his hands to his side as he realized what he had done. Evan slowly looked up, instantly his breath hitched as he met Connor's brown eyes.

Evan was frozen, he was trembling unable to control his body, his hands went to the hem of his shirt. Suddenly Connor launched himself at Evan who squeaked as the human's fingers curled tightly around him.

Evan shrieked, his eyes were squeezed shut. "Who are you?" Connor demanded, his voice had a sharp edge, his fist became tighter and Evans arm protested.

He screamed, he struggled in Connor's grip, too terrified to get words out. "T-T-Too ti-tight-" he gasped, eyes wide and pleading to at Connor.

Much to his surprise Connor loosened his hand and Evan fell into his open palm. Evan stumbled back, coughing and choking. He held his now throbbing arm close to him, he leaned away from Connor.

"Now, who. Are. You?" He growled lowly.

Evan flinched, he was petrified. He had always admired Connor he had never imagined them meeting being like this. "I-I-I-" he broke down into heavy sobs, he wanted to apologize to beg to let him go.

He heard Connor sigh and hesitantly looked up at the human, though his vision was blurry from tears. "Okay, okay, just-just calm down." Connor murmured.

Evan was trembling as he hesitantly wiped away his tears, his breathing uneven and forced. Evan met Connor's eyes for a split second before snapping his gaze back down. He sniffled and wipe his nose with his good arm, his other lay limply at his side.

"Wait are you hurt?" Connor asked suddenly, Evan stiffened and quickly shook his head, panicking internally. Connor brought Evan to his eyes, making the borrower whimper. The human ignored that, "You are hurt." He murmured, eyes traveling over his arm.

Evans's eyes went wide, be bad lied what if the human decided to punish him. He squeezed his eyes shut and began to plead and beg, "I'm sorry!" He cried, "I-I-I didn't m-me-mean, I-I mean I-I gu-guess I-"

"Dude, relax," Connor said softly, Evan looked up in confusion, "I'm sorry I freaked out, I was um, I was in a bad place." He whispered, Evan looked up at Connie looking for a trace of mockery but he was genuine. "Let's get that fixed up."

A few moments later Connor was wrapping Evan's fragile arm in gauze, the borrower was shocked at how gentle he was being he never would've imagined a giant being that soft. "So how did this happen?" Connor asked, snipping the gauze.

"Um, I-I fell off the c-c-counter." Evan explained softly.

Connor looked at him in confusion, "You fell off a counter?" He repeated, "How do you accidentally fall off a counter?" Connor wondered aloud.

Evan panicked, "I just did! Okay?!" He yelled defensively, he didn't want to tell Connor that he'd jumped, it was hard for Evan to talk about. The borrower picked at his shirt and looked away, "I-I-I'm sorry I-I didn't m-mean to um, to yell."

Connor stared at him for a moment before brushing it off, "It's alright," he shrugged, "What's your name?" He asked, tying the end off the gauze.

"My-My name? Oh-Oh right, yes off course, m I-I'm Evan, Evan Hansen." He introduced with a nod. "A-And you're Connor M-Murphy." He murmured, Connor gave a lopsided smile that made Evan's tummy tickle.

"So you're my little stalker huh?" Evan went red he quickly shook his head and opened his mouth to protest as he blushed madly. "Relax, Evan, it's just a joke." He chuckled.

At that Evan turned even more red he buried his face in his hands. He groaned softly, wishing his face would cool down. Connor grinned, he grabbed a sharpie, Evan looked at it in confusion.

"I'm gonna sign your cast." He explained, writing his name large, across the entire cast.

"Wh-Why are y-you writing your name, i-if it's my cast?" Evan asked as he scrawled the letters over the gauze.

Connor chuckled and shook his head, "That's a good fuckin question," Evan blushed and shrugged bashfully.

The two spent the day together, playing games and getting to know each other. Finally they ended up in bed, Evan resting on Connor's massive chest. The human's hand was cupped over him gently.

"C-Can you read to me?" Evan asked bashfully. "Th-The one with the girl, who, um, who has that thing..." Evan trailed off, searching for the word.

"Cancer?" Connor laughed as he picked 'The Fault in Our Stars off the ground. Evan went red and nodded shyly. He curled up against Connor's neck, following along as he read.

Before he realized what was happening Evan began to drift off, curled up against Connor's neck as he read, just like he had always imagined.


For you ;), happy birthday kyojin-

Ugh so rip, I'm tired and it's all Gucci. Okay I'm going to sleep though.

This was written in a really short amount of time so it sucks okay, I'm soRRY

Also I know there's gonna be a lot of 'Connor's a dick' comments which makes me vv sad

Night guys

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