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Dear god, this is absolutely incredible. Amazing job, darling

Written by UGHlashton


Out of the corner of his eye, he can see it. He almost misses it, the faint rustling under a long forgotten glove by the side of the road. Mason tilts his head curiously, kneeling to the pavement to get a better look.

The glove shuffles as Mason's hand grazes it before stiffening with a whimper. Surely, it must be some poor dying animal in need of help. With that in mind, he flips the glove over, revealing a pitiful scene.

Curled up in a little ball, as if to protect itself from the horrors of the real world, was a tiny man, no bigger than Mason's ring finger.

Terrified crystal baby blues look up at him in fear, practically quivering. Matted blonde hair sticks to his face, covered in dirt and muck and sweat from being untamed for so long. Pale, skinny limbs curl around his torso, trying desperately to shield himself from the brutal cold that surrounded them both.

"Hello," Mason finds his voice after a few moments of gawking. "What's a little one like you doing out in the cold?"

Despite freaking out on the inside with millions of questions swirling inside of him, he manages to stay calm. For the poor creature's sake.

The small one whines, shutting his eyes as tears trail down his flushed cheeks. Mason's heart snaps in two.

"Don't cry, darling," Mason whispers soothingly, eyes softening as the poor boy starts sobbing. "I won't hurt you."

The boy looks up at him with watery eyes, reminding Mason of an ocean, one drained of any life. Mason knew with only the slightest of touches would break this broken boy even more.

He can hear the boy trying to quiet his sobs as his shoulders shake with every unsteady exhale. Mason slowly takes off his scarf, careful not to startle the poor little one before wrapping it around him.

The boy looks up with wide eyes before shaking his head and pushing away with his hands. Mason softly shushes him, gently wrapping the scarf around him like bundling a baby.

He carefully brings him up to his chest, smiling softly at the frightened boy. "Hi there," he murmurs as the boy wipes his eyes.

"W-Where are you t-taking m-me?" The hesitation in his voice doesn't go unnoticed. Mason's heart melts, such a helpless little voice he had.

"To my home," he answers with a hushed tone, careful not to scare him anymore. "I just want to get you out of the cold."

The boy opens his mouth to speak before closing it.

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