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He sat on the roof, throwing rocks to the ground. The small borrower wrapped his arms around his knees, his eyes watered.

He didn't want to be here anymore, anywhere. Collin buried his face in his knees and began to cry, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

He didn't know who he was anymore, he hated the feeling. Trying to figure out who he was, he laced his fingers through his hair, his chest tight. Collin sniffled quietly, and stared off the roof with teary eyes.

He could jump.

Collin pushed the thought away as soon as it came. Still it lingered in the back of his mind, an option, an escape route. "Hey," Collin stiffened, quickly wiping away his tears and scrubbing his eyes dry.

"H-Hi," He whispered, hating the way his voice broke. Collin kept his head low so James couldn't see his tears.

"What's up?" He asked softly, Collin only shrugged, staring off the roof. He pulled his knees to his chest. "Are you alright?" The human asked softly.

For a moment Collin was still, he didn't say a word, he was afraid if he opened his mouth he'd begin to cry again. "Collin?" He was snapped out of his trance.

Slowly he shook his head breaking down into heavy sobs. He gripped his hair, trying to curl into the smallest ball possible. He felt large, soft hands curl around his tiny form.

Collin didn't fight them, he leaned into the warmth, the comfort. He was cradled to James's chest, it was firm, broad. He leaned into it, listening to his loud heartbeat.

Shuddering sobs escaped him and he curled closer, James gently shushed him and used his other hand to hold him closer. He gripped James's soft shirt with his minuscule hands.

Collin was afraid to see the giant's face, sad? Concerned? Offended? He whimpered softly. "Jelly bean, what's wrong?" He asked softly, using the special nickname that made him melt.

Collin squeezed his eyes shut tight and shook his head, it would only be a nickname for a friend, nothing more. That thought made him cry harder.

"Okay, okay," James murmured, adjusting his hands. He laid back, letting Collin curl up on his chest. The borrower looked up at James through teary eyes as he began to him.

His soft voice vibrated through his entire body. He snuggled into James, inhaling his oh-so-familiar scent. He eventually calmed down, still they laid there, James's thumb slowly caressed his back.

Up and down.

Collin matched his breathing with it, calming down. "Can you tell me what's wrong now?" He asked hesitantly, looking down at Collin with a soft smile. Gently he brushed away Collin's bangs, seeing they were in his eyes.

He was so gentle, so patient. So easily could he break Collin, his bones, his spirit. "I-I don't know," He whimpered, his stutter leaking into his speech. "I-I just feel-feel, a-alone, w-we don't ta-talk as much a-and it scare-scares me."

"Oh jelly bean..."

"I-I don't blame you, it-it's not your fault, not-not at all!" Collin insisted, looking up at him with large eyes, he planted his hands on his chest. "I-I know yo-you have football, a-and school b-but I'm-I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what, jelly bean?" James asked softly, his minty breath blowing back his hair.

"I-I'm afraid y-you'll forget about m-me," He sobbed loudly, burying his face into James's broad chest.

"Oh Collin, I, I could never, I couldn't," He promised, holding him to his chest, hugging him in a way. "I'll never forget about you, Collin."

"Promise?" Collin whimpered.

"I promise, jelly bean."


hi guys, so this is another case of amelia has too many emotions and is vent writing

so for homecoming some chosen people have to lip sync to seventies songs in front of the entire school (i'll probably post a video later)

and i was dancing to dancing queen with my best friend, and i was really anxious and sad and idk why but she snapped at me because she was nervous too. considering we were with all of the popular kids 

um and i can't handle yelling

and we have to go in and touch shoulders and as we were doing that i kind of froze and she was like wtf r u doing and i just let out this quiet shuddering sob and kind of broke down (quietly luckily)

i just hugged her and gripped her shirt and just cried, i did it again but only cause someone was pitying me and i HATE that

okay that's all sweets

i wrote this fast sorry if there are errors

love you

stay beautiful and safe


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