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Charlie was sobbing uncontrollably, his leg was on fired. It was held tight under a mouse trap.

The bone had clearly snapped, he hadn't been paying attention while borrowing, the human must've set out a new trap. Charlie heard loud, thumping footsteps and he ducked down.

"What the fuck?" A loud voice whispered, Charlie trembled. He couldn't think between the agony and the fear.

Something warm and large brushed Charlie's shoulder. He shrieked and threw himself away from the human's finger. He framed his neck to meet his eyes. Charlie hopelessly tugged on his leg as tears blurred his vision.

"O-Oh my god," the human uttered, he reached down and Charlie sobbed. But instead of grabbing the borrower he pulled up the metal bar of the mouse trap, releasing Charlie's leg.

He looked up in shock, he dragged himself away from the trap and the human's eyes bled pity. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, Charlie swallowed thickly.

Carefully the human reached down and scooped up the borrower, Charlie shrieked and squirmed. The human shushed him and gently held him down.

Charlie froze, knowing all too well that with just a bit more pressure his ribs would be crushed and his heart destroyed. He trembled silently, hot tears slowly leaking down his face.

The human laid him down on his desk and looked at his leg, he clicked his tongue. "You're lucky it was a clean break," he told the borrower.

Charlie had no idea what that meant but if it came from the human's mouth than it couldn't be good. "On the count of three I'm gonna set it, okay?" The human whispered, Charlie trembled.

"One, two," without the three the human slid the bone into place with a crack. Charlie screamed, tears streamed down his face. He felt weak, drained.

He began to nod off, his eyes fluttering shut before passing out.


When Charlie awoke he was on a giant, fluffy surface. His eyes slowly blinking open. "Morning sleeping beauty," the human from before greeted.

Charlie gulped, he looked to the wall where the entrance from his home was. He shot to his feet and raced for his home but pain shot up his leg and he fell back onto the pillow with a shriek.

"Be careful!" The human yelled, Charlie flinched. His leg was in a splint, wrapped tight in gauze. He wanted to go home, he broke down in shuddering sobs.

The human sighed softly, "I'm sorry I yelled," he apologized softly, "M-My name's Isak, what's yours?"

Why was he asking his name? Charlie looked up and wiped away his tears, "Ch-Charlie." He stammered.

The human smiled, "Cute, it fits." Isak stared at Charlie for a second making him squirm uncomfortably, "Oh right, sorry." He laughed sheepishly and blushed.

He pulled out a grape and handed it to Charlie who hesitantly took it, "Eat, you've got to regain your health if you want to leave." Isak explained.

Charlie nodded, "Thank you." He whispered. He took a bite and juice rolled down his chin, he sheepishly wiped it away and took another bite.


"Are you ready?" Isak asked, Charlie nodded eagerly. He used a pair of scissors to cut through the gauze he'd applied so long ago.

Charlie was grinning ear to ear, he looked up at Isak in excitement. Under the gauze his leg was healed, pale and thin, but healed. Charlie hopped to his feet only to stumble, luckily Isak held out a finger to help balance him.

"Thank you," Charlie called up to his friend. He took a few steps with Isak's help before letting go of it and independently walking.

Isak watched him stumble like a baby horse, giggling every time he tripped. After making sure he could walk Charlie looked up to Isak, "Thank you so much for your help." He whispered with a soft smile.

He went up to Isak and hugged his abdomen, the human's stomach rumbled beneath him, "Of course, promise you'll come visit?" Isak said as he set Charlie next to the entrance of his home.

"Promise!" Charlie yelled back. He raced into his home, wondering how he'd ever been so afraid of someone as kind as Isak.


Happy hug a giant day pals! One of my favorite holidays! ;)

Also my really good friend published a GT oneshot book that you guys should check out!

majikuya 💕

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