🌸 Pt. 1

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Rick opened the door with a smile, beckoning me in. "Ethan!" He greeted with a large smile. I only smiled back wordlessly, letting him swing his arm around my shoulder as he led me into the kitchen. "You got the project?"

I nodded, slipping off my backpack and slid into one of the counter seats.  I pulled the computer out of my bag, frowning in annoying as my hair fell in my face. "So, you got any snacks?" I asked, logging into my computer.

See, Rick was kinda my friend's friend. I didn't really like him that much since he was kinda a douche. Sure, as a seventeen-year-old, you do dumb shit, but Rick was merciless sometimes. Like, kicking puppies merciless.

Rick snapped out of his daze. "Oh, yeah. Just look around, I just gotta feed my pet real quick."

I shrugged, watching his lumbering figure disappear upstairs as I started to scrummage around the kitchen. I found mostly sweets and chips and quickly grabbed a bag of salt and vinegar before something... odd caught my eye. "Why would he have.."

"Oh hey! Grab the human food for me?" I froze, he has a human? Oh, the poor thing.

"Y-Yeah sure," I stuttered, grabbing the brightly colored bag.

Humans were very expensive and quite a handful to gain their trust since they could fit in the palm of our hands. They looked like us, talked like us but were pretty much classed as subspecies and started to sell as common household pets.

"D-Do you really have a human?" Rick grinned, shaking his cupped hands. A high pitched but masculine yelp escaped his hands.

"Yep, just got it a couple months ago, his name's Patches," he sighed loudly. "My mom named him."

I watched in fascination as Rick dumped him on the table, a small whimper of pain escaping the Human as he landed on his side. "Won't he run?"

"He knows better than to run," Rick said simply, putting an end to the conversation. "Stay," he commanded in a stern voice. "Don't run, or you get shocked."

There was a shy tug on his little collar before nodding fearfully. Collars stopped humans from talking back to their owner. They also came with shocks so, at the press of a button, they would be shocked. It was automatic if they spoke.

"He's really small," I breathed out in awe, he looked younger than us. Perhaps fifteen. "How old is he?"

Rick shrugged, flicking at Patches' side, smirking as the frail guy cringed in pain. "Don't know, don't care. Now, I'll be in the living room working on the poster. Stay here and watch Patches. Feed him some food too."

Before I could respond, Rick was out of the room. My eyes returned to the small being, who had fallen over as Rick thundered out of the room. Slowly, I leaned closer. He stared back with wide blue eyes, making me feel like a monster in my own skin.

"Hey there, little guy," I said softly, keeping my voice low. Slowly, I reached out but he shook his head frantically, scooting away. "No?" I pulled my hand back. "No touching?"

He was trembling hard, his skinny frame threating to collapse on itself if he didn't stop shaking. "Hey, hey now. It's okay, I won't hurt you," I said soothingly, hoping to calm his nerves.

"You hungry?" I asked softly, hoping to get a reaction from the shy human. To my delight, he perked up slightly, looking up hopefully. I grinned, grabbing the bag of human food. It looked like a bag of gray, stale pellets. He frowned, turning his back.

"Little one," I coaxed, dumping a few pellets onto my hand.

"You gotta eat. Here," I tossed a couple in my mouth before gagging on the tasteless flavor and weird spongy texture. "Ohh, god," I moaned in distaste, rushing over to the sink and spitting it out. "That's nasty." I shivered in disgust.

However, a small giggling caught my attention as I glanced over towards the boy only to see him laughing softly into his sleeve. But when he caught my stare, he quickly stopped, glancing downwards.

I frowned, opening the bag of chips. I grabbed a chip before laying it down on my hand, flat. "Here, little guy," I slowly offered it towards him. He looked conflicted, his scared blue eyes scanning my face fearfully for any sign this would be a trick. I offered a kind smile before he hesitantly grabbed the chip.

He slowly nibbled on it, looking quite content as I smiled proudly, munching on a few chips myself before returning my attention to the computer screen.

After a few minutes, I felt a slight tug at my sweater sleeve. I look down to the Human staring up at me, blinking slowly.

"More?" I asked softly. He shyly looked down, fiddling with the sleeves of his way too long shirt before nodding once again. I reached into the bag, grabbing a hand full and placing them in front of him.

He smiles shyly as a silent thank you as I beamed with pride and happiness. "You're so cute," I said softly, watching with fond eyes as his tiny ears turn red.

"What are you doing?!" Rick snapped loudly making the Human yelp, scrambling back with utter terror written on his small features.

"Rick," I said, trying to defend Patches. I stand up. "That's my fault I'm sorry-"

"It's not your fault, he knows better than to eat our food," I'm taken aback to hear Rick's voice turn into a growl as he grabbed the Human in a tight fist, pushing me in the process.

"That's too tight-"

"You don't have a human, you have no clue how to take care of one," he turned to Patches, who has tears running down his cheeks in fear. "Bad, bad human! No food!"

I gasped, watching with helplessness as Patches squirmed desperately in Rick's tight and suffocating hold. No food! That's awful!

"Rick, don't blame it on him, it wasn't his fault-"

"Just work on the project and let me deal with my pet! God, it's a human for fuck's sake." I shut up, watching sad eyes as Rick stormed upstairs, Patches' loud sobs echoing around the house. This is human abuse, I thought bitterly. But it wasn't, it was completely normal to give these types of punishments to misbehaving humans.

Don't worry, I will save you and keep you safe, I swear.


part two coming soon

ps ethan is ethan dolan


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