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written by the one, the only TinyGay_ <3


"My mama told me when I was young we were all born super stars-" The dance floor pounded to the beat of a 2011 hit we all knew and loved. Garatti came to be one of the only giant and human integrated bars in my small town. It's why I came here so often. It's my favorite. Everyone danced, sang, drank, and took a drag as a whole. Others may have called it disgusting or horrid but for me; it was just extraordinary.

I bought my usual on the rocks margarita and took a sip. The chilly soft liquor numbed my throat near automatic. The corner of the bar was reserved as mine and everyone knew it. They wouldn't mess with an over one hundred foot male now would they? I'm wrong by the way. Yes, they would. I grumble and strike my gaze to a group of human females wobbling my way. In between an older woman held the complexion of a dying slug. I immediately point for the restroom but my direction was turned useless, she obviously wouldn't make it.

I roam the early hours of the night around the dance floor edges. Sometimes hip bumping a bystander or swaying from side to side. The giant dark room flashed with colorful vibrant lights. The computer lights swallowed the wooden walls so they blinked when you danced. The scent of liquor, cigarette smoke, and marijuana overwhelmed the place to its roof. I inhale deeply and release before I finally enter the swarm of young people.

In the middle of it all, an isolated pedestal stood. It was a miniscule private zone for the humans to party, but I was surprised when I could view no one in the windows. The sturdy pedestal did come up to my height and was a calling to take a peek inside. With both eyes I look through the window like you would binoculars. I found the doll sized bar dark, and abandoned. Glasses spread out across the tables and undergarments laid about the couches. I let out a slow breath when I see a figure sitting in the darkness. The shadowed person slouched on the edge of furniture, holding objects in its hands. White light flashed through the windows, allowing me a glimpse of this stranger.

They looked up to me, startled when I gripped the platform for stability. I hold eye contact with the human until she darted for the exit. She collapsed in a heap before she could leave. She looked to be crying. Poking the window lightly, I point to the exit that led to me. She didn't move from her trembling clump. I needed to hear this stranger, what if she was hurt? Shouldn't I have called 911? I poke the thick glass once more, this time with success of grabbing her attention. I mouth the words, "come to me" as if she would agree. It was a suspicious act and no one with common sense would take the offer. Furrowing my brows, I poke the glass harder causing it to make a sound. "Now." Fear was the only other option.

It had been so long since I held a human this close. A living person I could touch and hold in my palms. God, the people of yesterday would have been shocked. The stranger I now held gripped my finger, pushing their tiny sparkling shoe soles into my palm, and waited. Without hesitation I cover this vulnerable human up and slip out of the bar to a back room where I could hear her miniscule voice. "Did they send you?" She hiccuped, glancing up to me while craning her long neck. An adams apple became visible along with a black eye. "Who? No, no. I came alone." I slouch my shoulders in a way I could be seen as less menacing and gentle. Her hoarse hiccups continued. "I'm Harris." I say, brushing her what looked like wig to the side in order to get a better view of her wounds. Her dark skin was dirty and bruised, the softest parts scrapped open and clogged with scabs. This human obviously wanted nothing to do with talking to me; so I spoke anyway.

"Would you like me to call someone for you, stranger? You look beat real somethin'." I look to shadows creeping past our room without given a second thought, I lock it. "No," her voice was soft yet rough. Almost masculine. She coughed and covered her face back up, shrinking away from me. "Please let me leave." She whimpered. "I did nothing."

I graze my thumb to her damp cheek offering comfort. Why would anyone beat up such a beautiful person. Because they were born... male? "You're hurt let me do something for you. I'm a nice guy, I can promise ya that." She looked to my chin then farther to my eyes. We make eye contact momentarily and I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment for myself. "Ri." She muffled, rubbing her eyes. "Ri? Oh OH, Ri. Nice to make your' acquaintance." Ri giggles at my fumble and I offer my thumb to shake. I admit, this was nice.

"Man, I should be going." She glanced to the door. I take a sharp inhale, she couldn't go so soon, I haven't got to ask. She looks back to me and I melt in aw. Even through the pain she made the most amazing expression. She explained parts of the night to me. The humans who had jumped her and how she ended up alone. But I never found out why. Although I had to reassure Ri I was not one of them multiple times, meeting her was a good moment and I hoped we could get together again. At the end of the night I'm sure she did too

GT one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon