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Leo fumbled with his phone quickly dialing Theo's number. He anxiously paced the kitchen eyebrows furrowed with concern, he kept glancing to the fridge fearfully. Finally his friend picked up.

"Theo, oh my god," he gasped, pressing the phone against his ear with two hands, relief flooding over the boy. "Thank god."

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you?" Theo's concerned voice filtered through the phone and Leo shook his head even though he knew Theo couldn't see it.

"No, no, I'm at home I'm okay," he reassured, "But the mouse trap? Th-The glue one you helped me install?" He reminded him, biting down hard on his lip.

"Yeah...?" Leo could practically feel his confusion radiating through his phone. "Jesus christ Leo, you didn't drink it or anything, do I need to call poison control?"

"What? No!" He would have laughed if not for the panicked state he was in, "It caught something, and-and I don't know what it is, and I'm afraid to touch it," He explained nervously, kneeling down and staring at the trap that was hidden in the dark space between the fridge and the wall. "Oh god Theo, what if I've killed it!" He asked in panic, almost brought to tears at the thought.

"... Are you fucking kidding me?"

"What?" He yelped, "I'm scared, please, just come over, please Theo." He begged.

"You owe me." And with that Theo hung up, leaving Leo to stare at the trap in silence. He whimpered and stood, scared he'd hurt the animal.

He paced the kitchen, waiting for his friend, his hair was a mess, his eyes wide and nervous. Finally there was a knock at the door, he jumped before quickly opening the door and dragging him to the kitchen, he pointed to the trap, biting on his nails.

Theo looked at it, "Take it out," he told him, Leo looked at him in horror.


"I'm here for emotional support, that's it," he said flatly.

Leo swallowed thickly and kneeled, he whimpered slightly as he reached behind the fridge and his fingers grazed the edge of the trap, he yelped before taking a deep breath and grabbing it. He brought it to the light, it was heavier than when he first laid the trap. He looked at Theo who gestured for him to open it, kneeling beside him.

Nervously Leo pried down the edge, revealing a small tub of glue, he gasped, almost dropping the trap in shock. "What is it?" Theo asked, trying to look. Leo just stared, "You caught... a doll?" He asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows and brought the trap closer to his face. Gasping softly as it whimpered, he gasped and stared at it. He realized that steady tears were rolling down his minuscule cheeks.

He gasped, realizing it wasn't a doll. The boy instantly stood, grabbing a bottle of olive oil, the glue was up to his neck, he didn't have much time. Theo followed him in confusion, trying to grasp the situation.

Leo didn't take his eyes off the minuscule ones in front of him. He went onto the porch and set it down, kneeling. "Close your eyes, baby,"' He didn't want it getting in his eyes. Once his eyes were squeezed tight he poured a bit into the glue.

He choked and sputtered on the oil and Theo's eyes went wide, realizing that it wasn't just a doll. Leo rolled up his sleeves and reached into the glued.

The boy whimpered as Leo gently grabbed his arm, massaging the oil into it until it popped free. He did this with his other limbs until he reached into the glue and gently tugged him free.

He gasped and tried to squirm out of his grip but Leo made sure to keep his gentle but firm grasp on the boy. He lifted him out, he was sticking to his fingers. He looked up at him in terror.

He smiled reassuringly. He watched as Theo stood, running inside. Leaving him with the petrified boy. He whimpered and backpedaled in his palm. His eyes softened.

"Hey, it's okay," He whispered quietly, watching the boy nervously look at him. He gave him a slight smile. "We won't hurt you," He promised softly.

He whimpered and cowered back, Leo frowned, a million questions running through his head. He opened his mouth to speech but just then Theo burst back outside and handed him a damp towel.

He took it and wiped the glue off of the boy. He squirmed and cried out despite Leo's gentle words and careful hands. Leo continued, scrubbing the sticky substance off the poor boy. God he looked terrified, Leo's eyes were soft with pity as he screamed, thrashing in his grip. He sighed and finished. He frowned and stood; the boy whimpered and shrank back. Leo took him back inside. He kneeled beside the fridge. He carefully set him down, he tried to run bit Leo stopped him gently.

He gently brushed back his hair, it was dark, matted with glue and snarls. He reached up on the counter where he'd been eating breakfast. He grabbed the plate, it was thankfully still warm, he handed the boy a piece of both egg and toast. Smiling reassuringly, he had noticed how thin he was, how his shoulders and knees were knobby, his face gaunt.

"Please," he whispered, "Come to me if you need anything, anything at all," he told him softly, the small boy gaped at him and Leo smiled weakly. He removed his hand and let the boy scurry into the walls.

He sat back and smiled sadly, he looked at Theo, "We could've just discovered a new species and you let him go?" He yelled, disbelief leaking off his lips.

Leo looked back at the space between the fridge and the wall and a smile played on his lips, he shrugged. "I suppose I did."


oof well first of all, happy late valentine's.

secondly, i'm sorry i haven't updated in forever, i've been busy and stressed and everything's changing and i am      n o t happy.

gah, idek, i just feel awful and i'm not going into detail.

i cant promise to be more active with this book/gt community but i have some story ideas?? so maybe??

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