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Written by anonymous :)


Zack finally reached the bridge. The snow started to swirl and he hoisted himself onto the railing and looked down. Far below, the clearing was dusted with snow and the small brook on the edge of the clearing was frozen over.

Zack shivered in his thin jacket, but at least he didn't have to worry about being cold after this... Zack had read that before people committed they would say a good bye, but he didn't want to give the world a cruel chance to send someone to stop him.

He took a breath and jumped. Cold air rushed by and for a second he was scared but then it was over.

The air forcefully left his lungs and he felt like he'd slammed into something. It was warmer and softer than the snow covered ground should have been.

Confused and dazed, he groaned and lifted his head. Looking down at him were large green eyes, a mop of short dirty blonde hair, and a very concerned face. Unfortunately, the face was familiar.

"Zack?" Iris whispered, but her voice sounded off; it sound too loud to be a whisper even though the tone was hushed.

He blinked as he took in his surroundings. He was laying on something leathery and warm, the surface uneven. Five log-sized masses extended from the surface he was sitting on, curled slightly to keep him from falling off the leather platform he was on.

It barely held him. It took him a second to realize he was on a giant hand and his heart froze in his throat. Another hand came from the side and joined the first which tilted, sliding him to the center of the bow cupped hands.

He scrambled to get into a sitting position as his heart started to pound. Iris. He was in Iris' hands. She was huge. Why was she huge?

He trembled as Iris shifted, making herself more comfortable. Her gaze was soft and concerned, but he was shaking like a leaf.

"Hey," she cooed, her face too close for comfort in Zack's opinion. She realized his discomfort and leaned back, her eyes still intently locked on him. Zack gulped. He didn't really know Iris.

He knew her name and what she looked like, but she didn't really know her. She was a friend of his older brother, Zeke. She'd come over to their house a couple times with the rest of Zeke's friends.

He never thought anything of her, usually he just rolled his eyes when Zeke's friends came over and hid in his room. Most of them were on Zeke's soccer team, but Iris knew literally nothing about sports - that much he knew from over hearing their loud conversations.

He didn't know quite why she was such good friends with Zeke for this reason, and he was certain that they weren't dating as Zeke was very openly gay and happy with his boyfriend, Phillip.

He knew that Zeke met Iris in their freshman year of high school, but he really didn't know much about her other than that.

Most importantly, he had no idea why the hell she was gigantic. Simply put, he was terrified. Iris seemed to notice, and she didn't seem to like it, her expression turning sad.

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, Zack. You can calm down," she said in a soothing tone, like she was talking to a frightened animal, which he technically was.

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