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Alice sits in Jasper's room wth with me while I get ready for school.

"Bella found the secret out." Alice says. "Edward saved her from some sick drunks last night and she went to the Internet. She ini s and she is taking him into the woods to talk to him."

I grimace before I put my shoes on Alice chose for me. "She will want me home tonight then."

She shrugs. "Most likely."

Once we are both ready, I curl the last strand of my hair before leaving the room with Alice. We stop in in front of Carlisle and Esme. They smile at me in approval before Esme pulls me into a hug.

"It is a pleasure having you around." She smiles.

"Come back over tomorrow, ride with me." Rosalie says. "I love having you around."

I nod my head before we leave for school. I am riding in Jasper's small pick-up with him, 2017 model.  He pulls up beside his siblings. I see Bella staring at Edward from her truck. He save her from being hit by Tyler's van a few days ago, before he left.

"Go Edward, she knows." I whisper.

He looks at me before he nods. He walks behind Bella into the woods. Jasper and I send them anther glance before going inside. We walk to World History together and take our seats, which happens to be beside each other.

Jasper drops me off at my next class wth a kiss on the cheek. He smiles before he pushes a strand of hair behind my head. "I'll see you later, I want to take you on an adventure."

"I do love an adventure." I smirk.

Jasper kisses me on the lips before he walks away. I smile as I enter this class. Bella has made it back to the school. She is with Jessica and Angela. I shrug her off and I sit beside Rosalie and Alice.

"Jasper is taking me on an adventure." I say in happiness.

Alice claps. "Yay!"

We all chuckle and Bella looks over at us with smiles. I wave a little bit before the assignment is handed out. We are baking cakes.

"I love to bake!" I chirp.

Alice and I are the first ones at our cooking station. Rosalie has an amused face when she joins us. We make a chocolate crunch cake. I eat a slice and I smile. I send it home with Bella for dad.


I sit behind Edward and Bella in biology. I smile at the two.

"Bella, I want you to meet my family after school." Edward says.

"Okay." She says nervously.

I smile to myself as I do the assignment.


Rosalie parks her car in front of their house and Jasper opens my door for me. He throws me on his back and he flashes into the woods. He climbs up on a tree that oversees the entire forest and the waters beyond it.

"This is beautiful." I gasp.

Jasper smiles and we wraps an arm around me as we stand on this tree branch. "That is why I am showing it to you; let's get back, Bella jus arrived."

He takes my hand as we walk across the trees. We walk down a branch and into the kitchen, where Bella stands and there is a broken bowl on the floor, and a pissed of Rosalie.

"Okay, who pissed on my Rose?" I scold playfully.

Bella is staring at me and the window, then at Jasper. "Hey, B."

"Hey, Bella." I smile. "What did you do to Rosalie?"

"She thinks I'll tell." Bella says.

"She trusted me." I shrug. "Heck, I found out when I walked upon Jasper feeding. I was scared because he trapped me against a tree."

"I almost slipped, too." He smirks. "But I stopped myself when I realized she is my mate an I flashed her here."

Bella smile at us and Rosalie begins to sweep up the salad.

"That salad would have been good, Rose." I scold.

She smirks. "I'll make you another."

I yah k her before I sit on Jasper's lap in the living room. He smiles up at me and wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You are still tempting, but I have held back." Jasper says. "I wouldn't live with myself if I were to hurt you or lose you."

I smile as Rosalie hands me the salad she re-made just for me. I miss her cheek before taking my seat back on Jasper's lap. I eat my salad I peace as Jasper rubs my back.

"We are playing baseball tomorrow." Carlisle says to me. "There is a storm coming, it's the only time we can play."

"I wanna come!" I yelp as I jump up.

"You can; Jasper, go have Alice go get her some clothes and invite Bella." Carlisle says.

Jasper nods before he flashes out of the room. I smile at Carlisle as I carry my salad bowl back to the kitchen. Rosalie takes it and she washes it. She seems to be in a better mood now.

"I am tired, I'm going to Jasper's room." I stat.

I skip upstairs and I meet Jasper in his room. He is reading one of his history books. I slip into one of his shorts before climbing in the bed beside him. He wraps an arm around me but he still continues to read about him from his human years.

Jasper sets the book aside and he wraps both of his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head as I begin to blink my eyes shut. I let my mind rest as sleep takes control of me.

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