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I guess I am going to visit Bella today, to see how much this thing has killed her inside. I grumble to myself at the thought before I get my some clothes out of the closet. Sam sits on the bed as he watches me get dressed. He has patrol this morning.

"I am going to visit Bella." I tell Sam.

He kisses me softly. "Be careful."

I smile at Sam before I touch my stomach. I am still excited I have a baby inside me. I smile before leaving the house. I climb up into my jeep and I start it up. I turn the air on before I pull away from the house.

I pull up to the Cullen's and Jasper comes out to greet me.

"Hey, B." He smirks. "Bella has been worried you'd never come back."

I fake a smile. "I want to see how close to death my twin is." Then a cowl finds my face.

Jasper sighs before he lets me in. I see Bella standing between Rosalie and Alice. You can see her bones through her skin. According to Jasper as he led me up here, she already has a broken rib because of this thing.

"Thanks for coming, Bianca." Rosalie says.

I nod and I stare plainly at Bella. Disappointment is filled in my eyes before I sigh. Alice goes to hand her some blood and it slips right through her hands as her spine snaps. My eyes widen as Jasper holds me back. Edward catches her head and Jacob is on the other side.

"The baby is ready to come."

A tear escapes my eye. "You better change her, Cullen. When that thing is out."

I hold my stomach as I feel it tightening. "Jas, can you walk with me to the bathroom? I have a bad feeling; call Sam."

Jasper nods with a smile before leading me upstairs. I go in the bathroom and I hear Jasper speaking to Sam on speaker phone. Once I pull my panties down, I gasp in fear. There is blood drenching my panties.

"B, why do I smell your blood?" Jasper asks.

"Blood?" I hear Sam panic.

"Jas, I need to get to a hospital." I mutter.

"Sam, meet us at Forks hospital, B is bleeding bad." Jasper whispers. "I smell her, and her blood is the most tempting blood I have ever smelt. 100X more than Bella's."

"Okay." Sam demands.

Jas bursts into the bathroom and he picks me up.

"You can just hold your breath." I smirk.

He smirks back. "I already am, B."

I smile as I snuggle against him, feeling calmness rush through me. I am still scared at the same time. Jasper smiles at me as he places me gently in his car, his faster vehicle. He flashes to his side and he starts it up. He takes off towards the hospital in Forks.

Dr. Hedrick is my doctor because Carlisle is hunting. He takes me back while Sam is made to wait with Jasper. The doctor pulls my shirt above my stomach and he puts some cold gel on my stomach.

"Miss Swan, it looks as if you have had a miscarriage." Dr. Hedrick says in a sad tone. "We will be back in to remove the little baby surgically in half an hour. I'll send someone in, who?"

"Sam." I whisper, clearly depressed.

Dr. Hedrick nods his white haired head and he leaves the room. I lost my baby because of Bella's death. I close my eyes and I let a tear slip. I hear someone walk in, and I know it is Sam.

He takes my cold hand into his warm on. "Bianca, I will be okay. I will not leave you. Ever."

I smile weakly as I look over at him. "The baby is gone."

He nods. "Dr. Hedrick told me. I'll go have Jasper come in. Your surgery is soon."

Sam leaves add Jasper walks in.

"Hey, B." He smiles. "I am sorry to hear of your loss."

"Can you cheer me up?" I ask.

He sighs. "I wish I could. I can't heal this kind of sadness."

I nod. "That is reasonable."

Jasper takes my hand and kisses the back. "I will always love you, Bianca Swan, but you are with Sam, and Alice won't let me go."

I smile. "Yeah. I love you too, Jas. You were my first love and all."

He smiles. "I know; first lives are never forgotten."

I nod my head in agreement. "I agree."

Dr. Hedrick walks in and Jasper leaves. Dr. Hedrick wheels my bed down to surgery.


I see Sam and Jasper walk into my room after the doctors take the baby out. Jasper stands back because I am bleeding a little from the vagina, because of the miscarriage. They are wanting to do a surgery so I can't become pregnant anymore. So, I won't have periods anymore or anything.

"Dr. Hedrick." Carlisle says as he walks in. "I will preform this surgery."

I smile in relief. "Dr. Cullen, thank god. The heavenly doctor I wanted."

Carlisle smirks at me and he smiles back at dr. Hedrick. Dr. Hedrick nods and shakes Carlisle's hand.

"Hey, Bianca." Carlisle greets. "I read yore charts; I am sorry for your loss. Are you ready for the surgery?"

I sigh and shake my head. "No; but I have to be."

Carlisle smiles. "Edward changed Bella when Renesme was born, she will wake in a few days."

I nod before he wheels me down to surgery, again. He puts a mask on my face to put my to sleep. Once the scalpel goes across my stomach, blackness enters my mind.

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