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I wake up to Jasper's face in mine. "Gosh, what a face to wake up to."

He laughs. "I bought you something."

I groan tiredly before sitting up. He hands me a jewelry box. I open it and there is a beautiful necklace. It has a mood and a galaxy circle on it. He helps me out it on.

"You leave today, Alice sent these with me." He has me a stack if clothes.

"Stay." I say as he goes to leave. "I am not ashamed of myself around you."

I take the hospital gown of in front of Jasper.

"Would you go to prom with me tomorrow?" He asks.

I nod my head as I pull the dress over my head. "Yeah, i would love too."

I put the wedges on and brush the tangles from my hair. Dad signed my discharge papers and he drives me home. Bella and I leave right after for Port Angeles, we need prom dresses. She is going with Edward.

Bella and I hold hands as we enter a dress store. The man greets us and shows us towards the prom gowns. I thank him before I jog away from Bella. I scan the racks at the beautiful dresses. Bella gets a simple purple dress with ruffles.

After our shopping spree; we stop by a random restaurant. Bella gets mushroom ravioli, and I get a beef-veggie soup. Bella and I chat about my attack in Arizona while we eat.

We head home after. Bella helps me shower and I go to my room. I change into some pajamas and sit on the chair by my bed. I close my eyes as my wrist hurts. My wrist is in a cast.

Bella crawls in my bed with me, I am nearest to the window. Bella brushes my hair back. I love these twin moments with Bella. I love my sister more than anything, other than Jasper. He is a close second.

Bella wraps us in my blanket as she cuddles with me. I really love my sister. We both fall asleep like this.

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