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Sam was here when I woke up early this morning. Right now, I am getting dressed for the party, with Sam in my room. He smiles at my dress and he twirls me into his arms.

"You look amazing." He whispers down to me. "Absolutely beautiful."

I curtsy. "Thanks, babe."

We walk downstairs and Bella smiles brightly at me. She is in an ankle length jean skirt, and a yellow floral blouse. I scowl at her outfit choice but I put it aside.

"Are you ready?" Bella asks.

I nod before turning to Sam. "Don't leave."

"I'll be here. I dont think Charlie wants me to leave; he needs my help working on his car."

I turn to Bella. "I am driving my nice vehicle."

Bella gets into the passengers seat of jeep. I start it up and I pull out of our small driveway. I drive down the road and pull into the Cullen's long driveway.

I park in front of their house and Emmett flashes up to me.

"Nice wheels, B." He smirks as he examines my jeep. "It's nicer than mine."

"Mine is a newer model, Emmett." I say sternly. "Let's get this party started."

The house is soon filled with our classmates and Bella is with Jessica and Angela. I remain with Emmett. Jacob and Seth showed up. They said Paul will be here later. I have joined them so Emmett can get his groove on.

Paul finally shows up, twenty minutes into the party. He is fashionably late. I smirk and I drag Paul to the dance floor. He smiles a before he. Whims busting some moves, as well as I do. He twirls me and he dips me and lifts me in the air, like on Dirty Dancing.


The Cullen's call us wolves into the den when the party ends. Evidently, Alice had an important vision.

"What's this about, Carlisle?" I ask, ignoring Jasper.

"Someone has built an army for vampires." He replies to everyone.

"Where are they after?" Jacob asks before I can even open my mouth.

"In my vision," Alice peeps, "they were passing around one of Bianca's blue blouses."

Everyone looks at me and Bella seems frightened.

"Bella will be in Jacksonville wth Rene, but we have to keep you safe, B." Edward says. "But, it will take more than us to defeat them."

"We are in." Paul says. "I can ask Sam, but I know he will do anything to protect B."

I smile as they continue to talk about this. Edward has given Bella her plane ticket. She will be with mom until the fight is over and I am safe.


Bella and I drive home and she tells dad she is going to mom's for a couple days.  Sam is staring t me confused.

I whisper in his ear, "Paul said he will talk you. But just know this, I'm in danger."

Sam stares at me before he walks out of the house. I sigh before I go to make dinner. Dad smiles at me cooking in my party dress. I will be driving Bella to the airport tomorrow then to the Cullen's. I'm riding with Emmett to the clearing for the first day of training.

I go to my room after eating the spaghetti I made. I change into some pajamas and I put my jewelry back in my jewelry box. I smile before I climb into bed.  I face the wall before I let sleep take over my mind.

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