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I see Alice drawing a vision when I wake up. I jump out of the hotel bed and see she is drawing a ballet studio.

"That's a ballet studio." I say. "Just down the road. I went there as a child."

Alice looks at me and she smiles. My cell rings and I answer it, seeing it is mom's number. Her panicked voice comes on the phone.

"It's funny, Forks High School don't hide their students privacy anymore." That is James voice.

"Where is my mom?" I ask as I step outside.

"Meet me at your old ballet studio if you want to save her, Bianca." James says evily . "And come alone, I'll know if you bring anyone."

I sneak out of the  hotel as Jasper checks us out. I run to the ballet studio and I hear mom. I run to the closet and see it's a tape.

"You were a stubborn child." James says.

I turn and see the reflections mirrors. James steps out and he smirks at me, before he walks closer to me.

"My, you smell magnificent." James whispers.

He throws me across the studio and I hit a post. Jasper flies in and he throws James. James growls venomously before growing Jasper. James flashes up to me and he bites my wrist.

Carlisle flies in and Alice and Edward. James and Emmett drag James to some floor boards. Rosalie and Alice come to me wth Carlisle. Carlisle ties a belt around my thigh.

"Rose, now." Carlisle demands "its killing her, don't let Jasper lose her."

Rosalie smiles down at me before she sinks her teeth in James' teeth marks. When the venom is gone, Rosalie pulls back and I notice fire in the floor boards. Jasper flashes over to us and he bends down to me.

"I wot lose you, Bianca, I promise." Jasper whispers before picking me up.


We go to Port Angeles hospital and Carlisle calls my dad. He tells him I was clumsy and I fell down a flight of their stairs. I busted my lip and my leg was cut back and I lost a lot of blood. Also, I landed on my wrist so it's broke.

"B." Bella calls frantically as she enters the room. "You're okay!"

I smile. "Yeah, if it wasn't for my Jasper."

She coos before she grimaces. "Mom is on her way. Dad called her right free he talked to Carlisle."

I sigh. "I figured he would."

Bella smiles over at a happy Jasper. He is happy he didn't lose me. Bella and my birthday party is coming up this weekend. We are turning 18.  I am actually ready for it. 

Dad walks in with mom. "Hey, Bi." Dad says.

"Oh, Bianca." Mom coos as she sits next to me. "You're okay; Jasper hasn't left your side."

I smile at Jasper who is pretending to sleep. "He means the world to me, mom."

She smiles and she pats my knee. Her and dad leave to go to the cafeteria. Jasper sits next to me a he smiles at me.

"I'm glad I made it in time." Jasper tells me. "I was lucky Alice had a vision with you in it."

He kisses my forehead and his kiss lingers for a moment. He stares me in my eyes as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll never hurt you."

He lays behind me as I grow tired. He plays with my hair while I drift off to sleep.

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