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-2 months -

Renesme is only 2 months old, but she looks and acts like she is about 6 years old. She has grown into a beautiful child. Jacob is over here constantly. Jasper and my wedding is this Friday. He will be gone tomorrow while Alice preps the house for the wedding.

Bella and Renesme just left on this beautiful snowy day for a day in the clearing. I am wrapped in Jasper's arms as we watch the fire. I haven't been awake too long. Esme is still cooking some breakfast for me. Renesme said she would eat when she and Bella returned from their adventure.

I walk upstairs when Esme is finished cooking. She smiles kindly at me before she goes on about her business. Her and Carlisle are about to go hunt before Renesme and Bella get home.

Jasper soon takes a seat next to me. "Hey, B."

"I'll miss you tomorrow." I smirk.

"Just think, I'll be your husband the day after." He kisses my cheek.

I smile. "Yes, I know."

He kisses my lips and he walks away. Bella walks in, looking distraught. I make Renesme a plate of eggs and bacon before I have Bella join Jasper and I on the balcony.

"What's wrong, Bella?" Jasper asks.

She sighs. "Renesme flew up and caught a snowflake, I believe Irina Cullen saw her and she thinks we committed a crime."

"So, in their words, Irina, whoever she is, thinks Renesme was bitten, instead of born?" I ask.

"Irina was apart of the Cullen coven until her nomad mate was killed; then she went to the Volturi." Jasper says. "Bella, do you think she went to Aro?"

Bella sighs. "I think so."

We all go back downstairs before i notice Renesme at the piano with Edward. Alice drops two wine glasses as she goes into the vision.

"Alice, what do you see?" Clyde, Alice's mate, asks.

"The Volturi...." she squeaks. "They are coming."

The entire coven in this house tense but Renesme and myself. Jasper stand.

"When will they be here, Alice?" He asks.

"When the snow sticks." She mutters. "Clyde and I will leave for a while after the wedding."

Carlisle and Esme tell me I will be in Alaska and late and Tanya's house, while they go to the fight. The Volturi won't go to anyone but the Cullen's, because they think they have committed this crime.

I will ride with Bella, Renesme, and Jacob up to Alaska after the wedding. She wants to get Kate and Tanya as witnesses to Renesme's being a hybrid. She was born, but bitten.

I walk up to my and Jasper's room and I lay beside him. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his chest. His chest may be empty, but he is very comforting.

I close my eyes and I fall asleep. 

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