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I ride to the mountain with Emmett. He goes to the clearing ad I go with Edward into the trees. Jacob is going to carry me up so he can cover my scent. I love running with the wolves now.


Edward is already on the mountain when we make it up there. Jasper is here too. Jasper has to fight because of his experience. He just wanted to make sure I made it up here safely, for Sam.

"I got to go, we are going to train for a little while; Alice says they will be here by morning." Jasper speaks sternly. "Try and gray warm, Bianca."

I nod before he flashes away. I am already cold. How am I supposed to stay warm in below freezing temperatures?! I shake it off ad I go to look out over the mountain. I smile at the scenery and Edward steps beside me.

"Are you coming to the wedding?" He asks.

I nod. "I won't miss my twin sister eating married."

He smiles. "I figured, I will have Alice make you an invitation. She wanted to invite you? De just wanted to know if you would show."

I nod. "Of course, I'm going to be there. Just don't forget my invite."

Edward chuckles before Jacob approaches us.

"You're marrying Bella!?" He asks, almost angrily.

Jacob stones away, angry. I sigh, he had to know somehow.

"I find your sweater interesting." Edward comments. "The fake blood stains? I like it."

I smile. "I figured you would. It's my favorite sweater."

I see Seth's wolf come through the woods and give us a look. I smile as I skip over to him. I scratch behind his ear and he huffs in satisfaction. I smile at his wolf and I join Edward again.

"He wants to fight; but Sam won't let him because he is newly phased and doesn't want him hurt." Edward tells me.

I nod.


We go into the tent as the sun sets. I am in my sleeping bag, but I'm too cold to sleep. My teeth are clattering. We hear the tent unzip.

"I can't sleep with all the teeth clattering." Jacob jokes. "Oh, B."

He crawls on the sleeping bag behind me and wraps an arm around me. "Sam will kill me if you freeze to death."

I elbow him for joking at my moment f need. He chuckles before he starts talking to Edward. As I begin to warm up, I begin to relax a little. Jacob has calmed down about my sister and Edward being engaged. I say he will go ape-shit when he gets an invitation.

Edward smirks at my thoughts before he over looks it, talking to Jacob about Bella. I smile at his loving words as I snuggle into the warmth of my doggy friend.

"Get some sleep, B." Jacob whispers. "Tomorrow is the big fight."

I nod. "Okay."

I let out a big yawn before I close my eyes. They continue to talk. I finally let sleep take my mind over.

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