Ch.1 Dating app

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So the idea for this story actually came from a Shane Dawson video, (if you know which video then that's great) I thought it was really hilarious and I just had to write a story about it, so credit to you Shane Dawson :) Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this new romantic comedy filled with vampires, romance, humor, and of course, lots of blood. Enjoy.

Like any other day for a college student, Peyton Jennings had gotten up before 7 to go to her morning class. Everyday she followed her typical morning routine, get up, too tired to shower, get dressed, do makeup, make breakfast, off to class, same ol morning. Her roommate and best friend Molly Peterson has gotten up as well, but instead of making her breakfast, she just grabbed an apple from the fruit basket of their dorm room as they headed outside into the nice morning weather.

"Is eating a different fruit everyday gonna be your main source of breakfast?" Peyton asked as she adjusted the straps of her heavy backpack.

"It's a free country so why not?" Molly shrugged as she continued to munch on her apple.

"Hey so who's doing the laundry today?"

"I think you."

"Dammit" Peyton grunted.

"Let's just hope that you don't come back with some random girl's big ass underwear again."

Peyton cringed "It's a good thing you caught that, I thought it was yours until I realized that your butt's not that big."

"Well I do have a nice ass, but it's not that big."

At that point Peyton peered down behind Molly.

"Hey!" Molly yelled.

"Just checking."

Pretty soon the girls walked inside the main building on their university that was already crowded as they made their way down the hallway.

"Oh shit" Molly suddenly stopped as she looked ahead "Incoming."

Peyton looked ahead and saw what made them stopped, a few feet in front of them was Lilith Starling, one of the hottest but biggest bitch on campus. Lilith was considered a goth due to her edgy style and nose ring, she only had a few close 'friends', but Peyton called them her henchmen, even though some of them were girls. And as she headed their direction, Molly grabbed onto Peyton's arm and pulled her to the side to let Lilith walk pass them, but that didn't stop her from making a comeback.

"You know you can't hide in broad daylight" she said to them "Unless you want everyone to see how much of losers you two are."

"Yeah well people see how stuck up you are so we're even" Molly smirked as Lilith gave her a death glare before walking away.

"Do you think she's ever gonna stop?" Peyton asked.

"I doubt it, she's been harassing us some middle school, and I just know it's gonna keep going on until we're laying on our death beds."

"Well on the bright side, when we die, we'll be living at peace in heaven while she'll be burning in hell."

"I can live with that" Molly grinned as they walked down the hall and into their morning class and sat down.

But as they were getting ready for their class to began, a handsome guy walked in as Peyton's heart started to skip. The guy was Zack Starling, Lilith's year older brother and one of the hottest guys in school. Even though he was a lot like his sister for being a bad boy, Peyton couldn't get enough of his hotness, every time she saw him her heart would skip a beat.

"Peyton..." Molly said to her with a warning look.

Every since Molly found out about Peyton's liking to Zack, she's been trying to keep her away from him due to his bad boy behavior.

"Relax Molly-" Peyton groaned "It's not like he's gonna flirt with me."

Just then Zack came up to her.

"Hey Peyton" he said with a charming smile "You looking nice today."

"Uh- uh- thank you" she said with a bashful giggle as he walked away.

She then turned to Molly who gave her a frown.

"Okay he wasn't flirting-" she said to her "He was... commenting."

"He was totally flirting with you" Molly said dully "He flirts with every girl."

"I know, and don't worry, he's not the type of guy I want to marry, mainly because if I do marry him, that means Lilith will become my sister in law."

They cringed.

"Hey speaking of love and all-" Molly put in "I just realized, you've haven't been on date for almost a year now."

"I know-" Peyton sighed.

"Peyton, it's our Senior year of college, and you still haven't been in a serious relationship ever since Matt dumped your ass Sophomore year."

"For the last time Molly-" Peyton frowned "He didn't dump me, I dumped him."

"If you say so" Molly shrugged with a smirk.

"Well look, I know this is our last year of college, but I don't wanna get pressured into dating, I'll start dating again once I find the right guy."

"And when's that gonna be, when you're 30?"

"Real funny" Peyton grunted "I'm just waiting for the right guy, and who knows how long that'll take."

After their morning class was over, Peyton and Molly headed outside where they took their break on a bench and went on their phones.

"Hey have you checked out the new dating app?" Molly suddenly asked.

"What dating app?" Peyton asked.

"There's this new dating app called 'Dating Sucks', I downloaded it last night, and I've already gotten 5 likes."

"Just 5?" Peyton raised an eyebrow "No wonder it's called 'Dating Sucks'."

"That's just a joke."

"Yeah like I didn't know that" she muttered.

"Well you should download it, maybe you'll find your true love."

"Oh yeah-" Peyton doubted "Like I'm gonna find true love through a worthless app."

"Come on Peyton" Molly urged "Don't be so negative, why don't you just try it out for fun?"

At that point Peyton gave a groan.

"Fine-" she sighed "But I doubt I'll find my 'true love' on this app."

She went to the app store on her phone and found the app.

"Oh would you look at that-" she said "The icon is a bloody white rose, I'm starting to feel like this dating app is only made for goths."

"Well just try it out and see what you think of it" Molly suggested.

Peyton looked back at the icon and tapped on it as it brought her to the app. There she saw that it looked like any other dating app with the profiles, friends, and those who are interested. But for some reason, she felt like there was something wrong with the app, she didn't what it was, but she felt like her instincts were trying to tell her something.

What do you guys think so far?

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