Ch.12 Blood Lust

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Pretty soon it was Wednesday night, and the group made their to the vampire bar called 'Blood Lust' as they got out of Vincent's car and headed to the front entrance. It looked like any other night bar, but everyone who was entering were either vampires or their human friends.

"Blood Lust huh?" Peyton said after reading the sign that was glowing a crimson red "Well that doesn't sound too vampire like."

"Can humans enter if they're not friends with vampires?" Molly asked Vincent.

"Only if they have a card" he replied "Which they usually can't afford because they make it expensive to avoid humans coming in. But for vampires, we get ours for free, and we can bring as many guests as we want, as long as they're trustworthy."

They then made it to the front entrance where a big tough looking man stood guarding as Vincent pulled out his card and showed the man. The man gave Peyton and Molly a look as they gave nervous smiles, but he then nodded as he opened the door as they stepped inside. Once inside, the first things the girls noticed were the red lights, the loud music playing, and the crowd of both vampires and their human friends. The girls admired the place as they watched as a waiter gave some vampires blood in wine glasses and plates containing bloody meat.

"Well I can see why no outside humans are allowed in here" Peyton concluded.

The group then made their way to the counter where they sat down as a female bartender went up to them.

"Hey Vincent" she greeted with a smile "Hey Jimmy."

"Hey Hope" Vincent smiled back as he turned to the girls "Peyton, Molly, this is Hope. And Hope these are our new friends Peyton and Molly."

"Nice to meet you both" Hope smiled at them.

"You too" they smiled back.

"So what can I get all of you?"

"I'll take a Bloody Mary" Vincent declared as he turned to Peyton "What would you like?"

"I guess just a root beer" she replied with a small shrug "With no blood."

After taking their orders, Hope headed off.

"Well she seems nice" Peyton commented.

"She is" Vincent agreed "She's one of my best vampire friends."

"So what exactly do vampires do here besides talk and drink blood?" Molly asked.

"Well, that's pretty much it."

"So it's just like any bar, expect it's filled with blood sucking beings?"

"Basically" he shrugged.

"Wow" she said dully "And I thought you guys were interesting."

After Hope gave them their orders, Jimmy and Molly decided to leave Peyton and Vincent alone as they went to a toy machine.

"They have a toy machine in a vampire bar?" Molly questioned.

"Come on you gotta admit-" Jimmy grinned "These things are awesome."

Just then she gasped as she pressed her hands against the machine and looked inside.

"It's a Pusheen plushie!" she gasped "Oh my God I need it!"

Jimmy gave a small chuckle when an idea popped in his head.

"Hey how about this?" he offered with a flirty smile "If I can get you that plushie, will you agree to go on a date with me?"

At that point she gave a small laugh.

"Are you serious?" she giggled.

"Do I look like I'm serious?" he smirked.

"Very well" she smirked back "Give it all you got."

As Jimmy tried to win, Peyton and Vincent watched from the counter while taking sips of their drinks.

"You think Jimmy's gonna win?" Peyton asked with a small smirk.

"I doubt it" he replied with a small chuckle "The last time he tried to get a toy from a toy machine, he got his hand stuck in the little door when he tried to get a toy for free."

"Well did he get his toy?"

"No, the manager of the restaurant kicked him out."

She laughed "Sucker."

Just then Hope came up to them with a tray of shot glasses filled with blood.

"Would any of you like some Blood Shots?" she asked with a smile.

"I will" Vincent raised his hand as he took a glass.

"Yeah uh, I'm human so..." Peyton replied.

"Of course" Hope giggled as she walked away.

"Blood Shots?" Peyton questioned Vincent.

"Perfect name huh?" he smirked as he drank the blood.

"Can you tell what kind of blood you're drinking?"

"I can, most of the blood here came from cows and pigs, and sometimes deer, and the one I just drank was pigs blood."

"So all bloods have different taste?"

"Pretty much, although human blood is suppose to be the best because it has a more stronger taste and it gives vampires more power, but human blood is just not my type."

He then gave a snicker "See what I did there? Blood type?"

"I get it" she said with a fake smile.

"Yeah when you're friends with a vampire, be prepared for a lot of vampire puns and jokes."

"Such as Dating Sucks?"


"Who came up with that name anyway? Because it's horrible."

"Zack did, I don't know why, he told me it sounded cool."

"Well he's wrong" she said dully "It sounds like an app people would go to after they've been dumped."

"I know" he agreed "I can't believe they actually went with that name, if anything, that dating app should only be used for vampires, I mean it makes more sense."

"Tell me about it."

Just then she got an idea.

"Oh hey" she said as she pulled out her phone "You wanna take a selfie with me?"

"I can't" he replied with a small sigh "I don't show up in photos."

"Oh that's right" she said sadly "You still know what you look like right?"

"I tend to look at old photos of me before I turned, it brings back the good memories. But now I have to avoid being in photos, it's actually a lot harder than it sounds."

"Well, on the bright side, you don't have to worry about whether you got a zit or not, because you heal up quickly."

"True, maybe that's why we don't have reflections, because we don't have to worry about those kinds of things."

"Hey guys" Molly suddenly came up to them with a Pusheen plushie.

"Oh Jimmy actually got you that plushie?" Peyton said surprised.

"Yep" she smiled "And also because of that we have a date this Friday."

"Oo" Peyton grinned.

"Where's Jimmy?" Vincent asked.

"Well uh-" Molly replied as she turned around as they looked and saw that Jimmy had his arm up in the little door of the toy machine.

"You're stuck again aren't you?" Vincent said to him with a sigh.

"...Maybe" Jimmy replied with guilt.

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