Ch.26 Fast and Furious

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Now listening to 'Hamilton' music, everyone waited in the car for Vincent to come back, but as he waited, he never showed up.

"Where is he?" Peyton wondered "Does it really take that long to deliver blood? And Jimmy, stop playing 'Hamilton'."

He pouted as he turned off the music on his phone and crossed his arms.

"Not really" Hope replied in a worried "My vampire senses are tingling. Something doesn't feel right."

They waited some more, but Vincent still hasn't returned.

"Okay that's it I'm gonna find out what's wrong" Hope declared as she got out from the car.

"Wait you're just gonna leave us here?" Peyton questioned surprised "Aren't you suppose to be our bodyguard?"

"Relax-" she assure "I'm not gonna be far, I'm just gonna see if I can catch his scent, and if I don't, that means something's definitely wrong. Just stay here, and be prepared in case anything happens."

And with that she shut the door and walked towards the palace. Now by themselves, everyone looked out the windows and got prepared in case any vampires would attack.

"Peyton do you think the plan went wrong?" Molly spoke up.

"Oh God I hope not" she replied nervously "But I swear if Vincent is dead, I'm gonna buy some dynamite, and blow this place up."

"Oh my God" Jimmy's eyes widen "Why didn't I think of that before?"

"You know what Molly-" Peyton put in in a sigh "I don't think playing a corpse is going to work now, if my plan did fail, then there isn't a point."

"Great" Molly sighed disappointed "I was really looking forward to seeing you-".

But right before she could continue, something hard landed on the top of the car causing everyone to shriek and the car to shake. Fearing the worse, their hearts were pounding rapidly as Molly pulled out a wooden stake and held it against her chest.

"Please tell me that it was just a dead eagle that fell from the sky" she begged.

"An eagle can't make the car shake" Peyton trembled.

Everyone waited for an attack, but nothing happened, it was dead quiet.

"You sure it's not an eagle?" Molly questioned.

But at that point, a vampire bent down from the top and hissed at them through the window with his fangs out and his eyes a bright red as they all screamed in terror.

"Does that look like an eagle to you?!" Peyton screamed just as more vampires surrounded the car as she quickly locked all of the doors before they could open them.

But even though the vampires couldn't get it, they began to pound and rock against the car as everyone frantically thought of an escape plan. But just when she thought they were screwed, Peyton noticed that the keys were still in the ignition. Now with an idea, she scooted into the driver's seat and started up the car.

"Hang on!" she advised Molly and Jimmy "It's gonna be a bumpy ride!"

And with that she pushed on the gas already crashing into a vampire. With full control of the car, she drove around and tried to hit every vampire she could see with full speed and sharp turns.

"How are you so good at this?!" Jimmy explained while holding onto the headrest.

"I've seen 'Fast and Furious' hundreds of time" she replied casually "So I know what I'm doing."

Pretty soon she came to a stop when she thought that she had got all of the vampires. But that's when she noticed one more that was limping in front of her and a tree that was behind him.

"Oo" she grinned "I see you there."

And with that she pushed on the hard as hard as she could as she drove the car straight into the vampire and the car as he fell onto the hood of the car and coughed out blood.

"Well-" Peyton breathed as she gave a smile "That was fun."

After making sure the vampires were still down, they all got out from the car and spotted the injured vampires all over the grounds.

"Well they don't seem dead" Peyton concluded "Just hurt... badly."

All of the vampires groaned in pain just as Hope appeared.

"Okay bad news-" she started to say when she noticed the injured vampires on the grounds.

"I went 'Fast and Furious' on them" Peyton explained "And uh, I kinda ruined Vincent's car."

"Never mind that" Hope said "We got a problem, I couldn't get a track of Vincent's scent."

"Oh jeez" Jimmy's eyes widen.

"Everyone grab all the weapons you can get" she ordered "Looks like it may become a blood bath tonight after all."

"But uh-" Jimmy spoke up "What are we gonna do about them?"

He pointed to the injured vampires who were still groaning in pain.

"Don't worry-" Molly smirked as she reached into the gym bag and pulled out the pistol that came from the vampire killing kit "We'll finish them off."

"Do you even know how to handle a gun?" Hope questioned with doubt.

"...No" she confessed with disappointment.

"Give me" Hope held out her hand with a smirk.

She sighed as she handed the gun to her.

"Everyone look away for this" Hope advised "Trust me."

After getting rid of the vampires, everyone made their way towards the palace where they hid behind some bushes.

"Okay how are we gonna get in?" Molly whispered.

"Well first I have to find an opening where there isn't any vampires" Hope declared.

"In that case-" Peyton spoke up "I think it's time to use my secret perfume."

And with that she pulled out a mini spray bottle that had been filled with garlic sauce as she spritz it all over herself while focusing on the neck.

"Oh shit" Hope covered her node while scooting away.

"It works" Peyton gasped with a smile "Hell yeah."

"Okay I think you sprayed a bit too much" Molly cringed while clutching her nose.

"Hey, better safe than sorry" she stated "You want some."

After a moment of thinking, Molly grabbed the bottle and began to spray herself.

"By the end of this night-" Hope winched while still clutching her nose "I'm gonna die of a lethal perfume."

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