Ch.7 Secrets

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Even though he could fly, Vincent wasn't able to control his fall as he fell from the sky and landed on the ground near Peyton's and Molly's dorm window with a loud thud. But since Peyton was in the shower and Molly had her earbuds in, neither of them heard the thud.

Being a haft immortal vampire, Vincent survived the fall as he forced himself up and brushed the grass off of himself. But fearing that Zack was still after him, he needed a place to hide as he turned and saw Molly through the window.

"Molly!" he called while banging on the window.

But she couldn't hear him as she bobbed her head to her earbuds while reading a magazine on the couch with her back turned to him. Not knowing where else to go, Vincent suddenly got a scent of Zack who was now close by and he started to panic while running to the front of the dorms and went up to Peyton's dorm and began to knock on it.

"Peyton!" he called just as Peyton walked out from the bathroom now dressed in her night clothes "Peyton!"

"What the hell?" she gasped at the door.

"What?" Molly asked as she took out her earbuds.

"Peyton are you in there?!" Vincent called.

"Oh my God it's Vincent" Peyton gasped at Molly as she turned to the door "I'm not letting you in you blood sucking freak!"

"Look I'm sorry about that!" he said as he started to panic more "But can you just please let me in?!"

"Uh, no way!" she declared "First rule of not getting turned into a vampire is to not invite them into your home!"

"Look I'm not gonna hurt you! But I'm being hunted here by another vampire who could possibly kill me! So can you just please let me in so I can hide?! I promise I'll leave as soon as I can!"

Peyton didn't know whether to believe him or not as she turned to Molly who went up to the kitchen and pulled out a large butcher knife.

"Let him in" she said with a stern look "I'm prepared."

Peyton gave a nervous look as she unlocked the door and opened it as he quickly ran in and shut the door with his back against it. The girls stepped away as they watched him breath heavily with sweat down his forehead.

"Thank you" he breathed in relief as he looked through the peep hole and didn't see Zack.

"Okay why are you really here?" Peyton demanded.


"Are you really a vampire?" Molly asked with her knife aiming at him "Because if you are, that is so hot."

"Molly" Peyton hissed.

"Well if you say he's a vampire I wanna know" Molly said as she turned back to Vincent "So are you really a vampire? And if you are, can I see your fangs?"

Vincent gave a sigh.

"If I show you my fangs will you freak out?" he asked dully.


He gave another sigh as he grew out his fangs for her to see as she gasped.

"Holy shit you are a vampire!" she gasped "Will you bite me please?"

"Molly!" Peyton hissed.

"Relax I'm not going to bite any of you" Vincent assured as he sank his fangs back in.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Peyton asked with a concerned look.

"What do you want me to say? 'I come in peace'?"

"... I don't know."

"Look, you just gotta trust me, I don't drink human blood, because if I do, I become immortal."

"Aren't you already immortal?" Molly asked.

"I'm only haft immortal, meaning that I can still heal quickly and I can only die by the you know ways to kill a vampire. But I can still age, and as long as I don't drink human blood, I have a better chance of becoming human again."

"Why would you want to become human again?" Peyton asked.

"In case you forgot, I have to drink blood in order to survive, and do you know how hard it is to get blood?"

"Well I mean, since you're a vampire you have all these powers and stuff that you used to catch your prey."

"Well I'm not gonna lie-" he confessed "Having vampire powers is pretty fun, but every time I use them to kill something, I feel so dirty because I hate to kill animals for their blood."

"Oh that sucks" Molly agreed as she bit her lip.

"The thing is-" he sighed "I became a monster, and I just want to go back to my normal life as a normal human, but all of that changed because of Lilith."

"Lilith?" Peyton said confused "What do you mean?"

Vincent gave a nervous look as he rubbed the back of his head as Peyton's eyes widen.

"Wait is Lilith a vampire too?" she asked with shock.

He gave a small sigh with a nod as they both gasped.

"And so is Zack" he added.

"Oh my God" Peyton said full of shock "There are actually vampires in our school! I don't know if I should feel amazed, or scared."

"You should be scared" Vincent answered "Because not all vampires are like me."

"Wait so let me get this straight-" Molly put in "Was Lilith the one who turned you?"

"Yeah" he sighed "And that's why I ended things with her, she turned me into a monster, she ruined my life, and there's no way I can get her back."

"Why not?" Peyton asked.

He gave another sigh.

"It's because of the app" he replied.

"The app?"

"Dating Sucks, she and Zack run the app."

"What?" they gasped.

"That app was created for vampires to use to lure victims to them, whenever people go on their dates, they never come back."

Peyton and Molly couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Wait-" Peyton said to him "You used the app to ask me out."

"Well I really did wanted to ask you out, but I didn't want to kill you. I'm actually being ordered to use the app on people."

"Ordered by who?"

"You know how Lilith and Zack run the app? Well, their father is the one who created it. And not only that, he has the only cure to vampirism, and if I don't do what he says, then I wont get the cure and I'll be stuck as a vampire forever."

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