Ch.3 Red stain

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After her class, Peyton met up with Molly down the hall where she told her about her talk with Vincent.

"So you really talked to him?" Molly said amused.

"I did-" Peyton said with a small smile "He seemed pretty shy though, but hey, shy guys are cute."

"Well I can't wait to meet him" Molly smiled "I don't remember the last time I hung out with a cute guy."

"It was with Daniel Harris, remember that super cute guy who ended being a total geek."

"Oh yeah, he kept showing me his comic book collection, and even I admit Spiderman was hot, but having him shoved into my face over and over was too much."

"Yeah" Peyton agreed with a sigh "Hey what ever happened to Daniel?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

Meanwhile, already in the Student Lounge, Vincent sat at a table in the food court as he waited for Peyton by going on his phone. But as he waited, he felt his stomach rumble as he pulled out a water canteen from his backpack and took a sip from it.

"Hi Vincent" he suddenly heard Peyton say which caused him to cough on his drink.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" she gasped with guilt "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine" he assured as he finished coughing.

"Uh, you got a little-" Molly pointed to a red stain on the bottom of his lip.

"Oh" he used the back of his hand to wipe away the red liquid.

"What are you drinking?" Peyton asked.

"Uh- cranberry juice" he replied.

"Okay then" she smiled as they sat in front of him "So Vincent, this is my roommate and best friend Molly, and Molly this is Vincent."

"Nice to meet you" she smiled.

"You too" he said with a shy smile.

"So I heard you used to be friends with Zack and Lilith."

"Oh yeah" he said with a bit of a guilty smile "What a big mistake that was."

"He even went out with Lilith" Peyton added with a small giggle.

"No way" Molly laughed "You dated Lilith? How horrible was it?"

"On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most horrible, I'd give it a 12."

"Damn" she snickered "Did she like, make you take cheesy romantic photos for Instagram or something."

"No" he chuckled "She was just horrible, that's all I have to say."

"Now the only reason I was horrible was because you were making me horrible" Lilith suddenly came up to them.

"Well if it isn't the Queen of Cunts" Molly smirked "You're not part of this conversation."

"I'm just saying-" Lilith said "The only reason we weren't good together was because he was making me horrible, I was just trying to have fun but he just had to ruin them."

"Everything you wanted to do was not fun" Vincent frowned "You wanted me to push an old man off his scooter."

"I know because it would of been funny" she said in an obvious tone.

"You know I can't believe I ever dated you" he scowled "Befriending you and your asshole brother was the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"Watching you become friends with these losers was the biggest mistake I've ever seen."

"Well you being born was the biggest mistake life has ever made" Peyton suddenly snapped with a smirk as Molly and Vincent gave loud snickers followed by laughs.

"Oh she owned you good" Molly chuckled as Lilith gave Peyton a death glare as she clenched her fists.

"You might wanna calm down your temper Lilith" Vincent suddenly said with a small smirk "You wouldn't want to get kicked out would you and disappoint your father?"

Lilith kept her mouth shut as she turned to Peyton.

"Go ahead and hang out with him as much as you want-" she said to her "But once you find out the truth about him, you're going to regret ever talking to him."

And with that she walked away.

"God I hate her" Molly growled.

"Uh, Vincent-" Peyton said "What did she mean by 'finding out the truth about you'?"

He gave a sad sigh.

"I have a rough past-" he confessed "And I would appreciate it if we don't talk about it."

"Should we be worried?" Molly asked.

"Molly" Peyton hissed as she turned to Vincent "Don't worry, we wont question about your past."

"Thanks" he replied with a small smile.

"So for now-" she reached into the side of her backpack and pulled out a soda can that was still cold as she started to open it "Let's just talk and enjoy some- Ow shit!"

When she tried to open the can, her hand suddenly slipped causing her finger to slice across the sharp metal as blood oozed from her finger.

"Dammit!" she winched in pain.

But when Vincent saw the blood, his heart began to race as he felt his whole body warm up. As he watched her blood ooze out, he tried to keep calm while hiding his fear.

"Vincent are you okay?" Molly suddenly asked which snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Oh uh, yeah" he assured "It's just, I tend to cringe at the sight of blood."

"Well don't worry I do it too" Peyton put in "In fact I actually fainted one time at the sight of blood."

"She was watching her aunt give birth" Molly whispered to him.

"Molly!" Peyton hissed with embarrassment as Vincent gave a chuckle.

Peyton could feel her cheeks turning pink.

"Molly-" she said with a frown "Band Aid please."

Molly gave a small giggle as she handed Peyton a Band Aid from her purse. Vincent watched as Peyton wrapped the Band Aid around her cut as he felt relieved.

"Who knew watching the miracle of life could have hilarious consequences?" Molly giggled.

"Okay that's enough" Peyton ordered as she tried to hide her embarrassment "I was 11 when that happened, it's over now."

"Vincent you wanna see the video?" Molly grinned as he pulled out her phone.

"Molly!" Peyton yelled with her eyes widen "No!"

"Let's see it" Vincent grinned as Peyton gave a frustrated groan as she banged her head on the table and buried her face into her arms.

"Oo!" Vincent winched while watching the video "She banged her head hard on that rail!"

"Yeah she got a concussion because of it" Molly added.

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