Ch.4 Asking

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After their hang out with Vincent, by the time it had gotten dark, Peyton and Molly went back to their dorm where Peyton laid on her couch as she went on her phone while listening to the sound of the water running in the shower. But as she was looking at Instagram, she suddenly got a notification from the app 'Dating Sucks'. When she saw who it was from, her heart began to flutter.


Hopping with curiosity and excitement, she went to the app and read his message.

Vincent: I didn't know u were into Gothic dating apps

She gave a small smile as she replied.

Peyton: I had a feeling it was made for goths

Vincent: Don't worry, it's not as emo as it looks

Peyton: Considering that it's called Dating Sucks, it sounds like it's made for vampires

She waited, but for some reason he didn't respond. Until he finally did after a minute.

Vincent: Yeah

After a moment of thinking of what to write, she finally replied.

Peyton: So considering that you're messaging me through the app, are u one of the guys who is interested?

Vincent: Well that depends, are u interested in me?

She smiled as she replied

Peyton: ... Maybe. You?

Vincent: ... Maybe

Peyton could feel her heart flutter more as she continued typing.

Peyton: Well... aren't u gonna ask me out?

Vincent: Alright, do u wanna go out with me?

She nearly screamed with joy, but she kept her calm as she replied.

Peyton: Of course :)

Vincent: How does dinner and and a movie sound?

Peyton: Sounds great, when?

Vincent: How about this Sat around 7?

Peyton: I'll be waiting <3

Vincent: So will I ;)

After that, not wanting to bother her neighbors, instead of screaming, she gave a squeal of delight as she felt her heart jumping with joy.

"What's with the squeal?" she heard Molly asked from the bathroom "Are you watching Damon and Elena moments from 'Vampire Diaries' again?"

"Nope" Peyton replied with a smile "Vincent just asked me out on a date."

At that point Molly swung the door open in her bathrobe and her hair still damped.

"Tell me everything!" she exclaimed with a smile as she ran up to Peyton.

"Well since we didn't exchanged numbers yet-" Peyton explained "He asked me out through the 'Dating Sucks' app.

"Are you serious?" Molly said with a bit of doubt.

"Oh I'm serious" Peyton assured with a smile "We're going on a date this Saturday to have dinner and a movie."

"Oh you lucky bitch" Molly smiled "I wish I can go out with a guy as hot as him."

"Hey who knows, maybe he has a hot friend."

Molly's face lit up.

"If he does I have to meet him" she declared.

"Well let me ask him, and maybe we can all meet up someday. But in the meantime, you really need to get dressed cause your robe is slipping."

"Oh!" Molly exclaimed as she covered her chest with embarrassment.

"Yeah get dressed" Peyton said with a small laugh.


After messaging Peyton, Vincent got up from the bench in front of a store as he started walking down the lit up sidewalk on town. Even though it was getting late, he didn't feel tired, nighttime is the only time he felt more alive. But as he walked down the sidewalk of an empty road, he suddenly got a feeling that someone was behind him, he could hear footsteps and could sense the presence of a human. But before he could turn around, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder as he quickly reacted by grabbing the wrist and twisting it off him as he sent the person down and held him there.

"Is this gonna be a habit of yours?" the young guy on the ground asked "Attacking someone that sneaks up behind you?"

"You never know who it could be" Vincent smirked as he helped the guy up and patted his shoulder "It's good to see you Jimmy."

"You too man" Jimmy smiled "So where've you been? I haven't seen you all day."

"I've been busy" Vincent replied with a small shrug.

"Oh 'busy' huh?" Jimmy doubted with a smirk "Come on, something new happened, what was it?"

"Well-" Vincent said with a small smile "I have a date this Saturday."

"Shut up!" Vincent exclaimed as his face lit up "With who?"

"Her name is Peyton."

"Which Peyton? Peyton with the wart on her back?"


"Brainless Peyton?"


"Peyton from Georgia?"


"Oh what a shame, I liked the way she talked."

He then started to talk in a mocking Georgia accent.

"I'm from Georgia yo!" he teased "There we listen to country music and never have to worry about running out of peaches because we're famous for peaches! And don't forget to buy some homemade Georgia peanut butter because we're also famous for peanuts! Yee doggie!"

Vincent just stood there in an awkward position.

"Okay she sounds nothing like that-" he replied "Plus your accent is horrible."

"Well that's what I hear every time she talks" Jimmy said.

"Think what you want, and by the way, don't assume that whenever someone is from cowboy like state that they don't always say 'Yee Doggie!'"

"Yeah but, it's fun to say."

"It is actually" he agreed.

"So about Peyton, which Peyton is it?"

"I think her last name is Jennings?"

"Oh..." Jimmy chuckled with a surprised look as he gave a smile "Hot Peyton, yeah you picked a good one. So how did you ask her out?"

"Well uh..." Vincent said with a nervous look.

"Don't tell me-" Jimmy said as his smile went away "You asked her through the app didn't you?"

Vincent gave a sad nod.

"Oh man" Jimmy sighed sadly.

"What am I gonna do?" Vincent asked nervously "She's my first 'victim', and I don't wanna do this to her, I don't wanna do this to anyone."

"Oh man I wished you didn't have to do this" Jimmy said with a worried look.

"I know" Vincent sighed "It's all Zack's and Lilith's fault, they got me into this, and I can't get out of it."

"So what are you gonna do about Peyton?"

"I don't know, I just don't want her to be a victim, I need to find a way for us to have our date safely, that doesn't end with her getting killed."

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