Ch.22 Blood drive

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The next day on Saturday, knowing what tonight would be, Peyton squeezed some blood oranges into a pitcher and the crimson juice ran down her hands. After cleaning off the juice, she then added some cranberry juice and some sugar as she gave it the stir just as Molly came out from her room.

"Uh-" she started to say when she saw what her roommate was doing "Getting into the vampire mood?"

"I was thinking-" Peyton explained as she added some lemon juice to the drink "If I'm gonna fight some vampires tonight, then I need to think like a vampire. I found a blood orange punch recipe online and I'm trying it out."

"So, you're gonna drink edible blood to help you think like a vampire?" Molly said still confused.

"That, and I really wanted to try out this recipe."

"Well you got some blood orange on your hands."

Peyton looked at her hands and saw that she didn't wipe all of the juice off her hands.

"Oh-" she said "Does it look I murdered someone?"

"If you were holding a bloody knife and yes."

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"It's me" they heard Vincent call.

"What's the magic password?" Peyton called back.

"Do I have to do this?" he whined.

"Pretty much."

He groaned "Delena."

Peyton gave a giggle as she opened the door and allowed him in, knowing that it was a good idea to make her OTP ship name the password.

"Can you explain to me why the password had to be Delena?" Vincent questioned dully.

"Because Delena rocks" Peyton replied with enthusiasm as she licked the blood orange juice off her hand.

"What are you making?" he asked while pointing to the punch.

"Blood orange punch."

"She thinks drinking that will make her think like a vampire in order to fight the vampires" Molly put in with a side smirk.

He turned to Peyton with a dull look "Are you for real?"

"It's worth a shot" Peyton answered casually.

"Peyton, if you're gonna fight vampires, thinking like a vampire is gonna get you killed, you gotta think like Van Helsing, or if it would get you to listen, think like Buffy."

At that point it caught Peyton's attention as she titled her head up and thought about it.

"Think like Buffy huh?" she smirked "So being a hot vampire slayer with an even hotter vampire crush? I like it."

Vincent gave a snicker just as another knock was heard.

"Who is it?" Molly called.

"Me" they heard Jimmy called back.

"What's the magic password?"

"Uh, what was it again? ... Stelena?"

Peyton stood there dumbfound.

"Well Stefan's sexy too so-" she started to say as she thought about it "Let him in."

Molly opened the door as Jimmy walked in carrying a small brown paper bag.

"Okay guys-" he announced with a sneaky grin while holding up the bag "Guess what I have in here?"

"Cocaine?" Peyton guessed.

"Condoms?" Vincent guessed.

"Lip balm?" Molly guessed.

"How come Molly had the only normal answer?" Jimmy questioned a bit offended.

"Because you're not normal" Vincent replied.


"So what's in the bag?" Peyton asked.

"Something that can help us for tonight" he smirked as he reached into the bag and pulled out a pill container.

"Laxatives?" Vincent exclaimed surprised "Why the hell did you get laxatives?"

"So we can watch the vampires shit their pants" Jimmy answered in an obvious tone.

"Oh" Molly chuckled with interest "I wanna see that."

Peyton also chuckled, if things do go as planned tonight, she might as well see is laxatives would save the day.

"And how exactly do you plan to put laxatives into the vampires drinks?" Vincent questioned Jimmy with doubt.

"I'll find that out tonight" Jimmy replied casually.

"Well then-" Peyton said as she put the punch into the refrigerator "You think the vampires will allow me in at 'Blood Lust' if I go alone? Or do I have to bring a vampire with me?"

"I think you can go alone" Vincent answered as he reached pulled out his wallet and handed her his card for the bar "Take this, it should allow you in."

"Thanks" she smiled as she took the card "Alright then, I'll be back with some animal blood."

"No chicken blood" he reminded.

"I know" she groaned as she grabbed her purse and headed out.

"She is so going to forget" Molly sighed.

When she drove to the vampire bar, Peyton showed the guard Vincent's card, and to her luck, he allowed her in. The bar wasn't that full since it was still the daytime, only a few vampires here and there, including Hope who was on her phone behind the counter.

"Hey Hope" Peyton greeted with a smile as she walked up to her.

"Peyton hey" Hope smiled back "What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if you can lend me some animal blood."

"Is Vincent sending you on a blood drive?" Hope smirked.

Peyton gave a snicker "I get it, blood drive. And to answer your question, yes and no. The blood is actually for tonight when hopefully my plan on the vampires will go well so that it doesn't end in our deaths."

"Oh right Vincent told me about that" Hope said with a worried "Are you sure you're up for that?"

"Well what choice do I have? I'm gonna get killed by vampires, and I'm not gonna let vampires kill others."

"Well-" Hope sighed "Good luck with that. And I'll get your blood now."

She then turned around and called out to the kitchen.

"Hank!" she called the chef who quickly put down his Playboy magazine as if he was hiding it "We need some blood here."

"And no chicken blood!" Peyton added.

He nodded as he headed off as Hope turned back to Peyton.

"So tell me-" Hope smirked "How's it going with you and Vincent?"

Peyton gave a small laugh "Well I'm still waiting for the right moment, but considering that tonight we may be screwed, I guess I'll have to wait and see."

"Well, everyone here including myself think you're a perfect match for him, he talks about you about time."

"Really?" Peyton smiled amused as Hope nodded with a smile.

She felt her cheeks turning pink as she gave a bashful smile.

"Well how about that?" she smiled as she spotted a nearby glass of blood that was already reminding her of Vincent.

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