Ch.24 Garlic burn

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As soon as the sun was getting lower, knowing that it was getting close for the vampires to be out, Peyton and Molly decided to make a quick run to the Italian restaurant where Peyton and Vincent had their date.

"Remind me again why we're here?" Molly asked as they walked inside.

"To get some garlic sauce" Peyton answered "I figured it might just be as lethal as holy water. Plus it may be a good idea to rub some on our necks."

"Wow" Molly chuckled "Talk about a deadly perfume."

"And I'm also hungry for some Italian."

"Yes" Molly pointed with a smile as they went up to the waiter at the counter.

"What can I help you ladies with?" he asked with a polite smile.

As Peyton told him their order, Molly took a glance at the window where she spotted something that caught her eye. As she looked closer, her heart sank when she realized that it was Lilith, and she was watching them.

"Peyton" she grabbed her roommate's arm "We have to go now."

"Hold on our order's coming" Peyton replied.

"Peyton I'm serious" Molly gritted her teeth.

But before she could say anything, the door suddenly opened as Lilith stepped in.

"Well what do you know-" she smirked as Peyton and Molly stepped back "Peyton's still alive, I knew Vincent didn't have the guts to take your blood."

Knowing that things were going to turn grimly, Peyton turned to the waiter.

"Can you um, go...?" she asked while motioning what was going on.

"With pleasure" he agreed as he headed off, leaving them alone.

"I had a feeling you all were up to something-" Lilith smirked "As soon as my brother warned Vincent about the deadline, I just knew that there would be a plan forming. So what is it? Vincent shows my father Peyton's blood that was taken through a needle? And then he shows them your body which is just you with special makeup on?"

"Damn you're good" Molly commented astonished.

"Well then-" Lilith turned to Peyton as she began to step closer to her as Peyton took steps back "If Vincent's not going to put out your pathetic, then I guess I will."

"Actually-" Peyton smirked "You're not gonna do that."

"And what makes you think I wont do that?" Lilith doubted.

"Because unlike you, I love garlic."

Once Lilith was in a confused state, Peyton quickly picked up the little bowl of garlic sauce that was behind her on an uncleaned table as she splashed the sauce into Lilith's eyes. The stinging sensation of the garlic sauce burned Lilith's eyes as if she got splashed with boiling water. Peyton and Molly watched completely surprised as Lilith covered her eyes while screaming in pain.

But since she was distracted, Peyton knew this was the time to escape. So she knocked her body into Lilith as she collapsed. But when the two tried to run out, Lilith suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed onto Peyton's ankle and pulled her down. When Peyton turned around, she was shocked to see that Lilith's eyes were now red, teary, and puffy from the garlic, and they didn't even heal with her vampire powers.

Not knowing if he sight was still the same, Peyton used her other foot to slam it up Lilith's jaw as she let go of her grip. When she stood up, her mind told her to run, but her gut forced her to stay, knowing that she still needed to get more garlic sauce, but not with Lilith in the way.

So when Lilith manged to get up, using all of her strength, Peyton kicked her booted foot into Lilith's stomach as she stumbled back and crashed into the uncleaned table and onto the floor. Just when she thought she didn't know what else to do, Peyton turned her head and soon spotted a plate of garlic bread on a table, giving her an idea as sneaky smile spread across her face.

"Molly-" she said as she pulled out a mini cross and handed her to her roommate "Use this on Lilith."

Confused at what she was doing, Molly took the cross as Peyton headed off just as Lilith started to get up. Listening to Peyton's order, Molly held the cross in front of Lilith as it's power made Lilith shield her eyes.

Meanwhile, over at the other table, Peyton used her hands to grind up the garlic bread into little bits. And when she was happy with the results, she took the plate and made her way back to Lilith.

"Molly hold her down" she ordered.

Realizing what she was about to do, Molly gave a sneaky smile as she sat on Lilith's legs and held her there.

"What are you doing?" Lilith asked weakly.

"What I've always wanted to do" Peyton grinned as she sat on Lilith's back and crumbled up some garlic bread into her hands.

"Wait no!" Lilith screamed when she realized what was going on.

"I warned you Lilith!" Peyton exclaimed as she began to shove the garlic bread pieces down Lilith's undies as she pressed hard on the crack.

Lilith struggled to get up, but she as too weak from the garlic as Peyton continued to shove garlic bread up her ass as Molly couldn't stop laughing while still holding down Lilith's legs.

"Feel the burn!" Peyton exclaimed as she dumped the rest of the garlic bread into Lilith's undies and pressed down as hard as she could as the vampire cried in pain.

Lilith could feel herself getting weaker and weaker as Peyton stood up and used her foot to stomp down on Lilith's butt some more.

"Stay down bitch!" she yelled at the vampire as Molly got up.

Now finished, the two looked down at the now weak vampire who could barely move. Both of them feeling the excitement running through their bloods.

"That was fun" Molly breathed with a smile.

Peyton nodded in agreement as she turned and spotted the waiter who stood there in shock at the scene while holding onto a to go container with cups of garlic sauce on top.

"Oh" Peyton said as she pulled of her wallet and handed him the payment along with an extra tip "You didn't see anything."

And with that she took the box as she and Molly headed out, leaving the waiter still shocked as he turned to Lilith who moaned in pain and surrounded by garlic bread pieces.

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