Ch.29 Coffin room

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Not remembering how long he's been out, Vincent began to feel himself waking up as he gave a sleepy moan while rubbing his face. Realizing that he was on his back and in pitch darkness, he used his night vision to examine where he was, and that's when he felt his stomach drop. He found himself in a tight space with barely any room to move. And as he examined more, that was when he realized where he was.

"No" he gasped as he began to pound on the roof "No no no!"

Now full of panic as his heart started to race, he continued to pound on the roof of the coffin while screaming for help at the top of his lungs as sweat dripped down his face. But realizing that no one may not be able to hear him, he stopped panicking as he tried to stay calm.

"Relax Vincent" he told himself "It's not like you're gonna suffocate to death, you're haft immortal remember?"

Remembering he still had his phone, he reached into his back pocket and pulled it out, only to find that he didn't have any signal.

"Shit" he grunted.

With no way to contact for help, he had to find another way out before who knows what will happen to him. For all he knew, he could get burned alive with no way out, it was in fact one of the most common ways to kill a vampire.


Still following Hope, Molly and Jimmy soon came upon a closed door as Hope stopped.

"He's gotta be in there" she pointed out "I know it."

She then tried to open the door, but just as they expected, it was locked.

"Alright stand back" she ordered.

"Oo this should be good" Jimmy grinned as he and Molly stepped back and watched with interest.

After take a deep breath, Hope gathered up all of her strength, and with that she punched her fist through the door and was able to open it on the other side.

"Oh I thought you were gonna kick the door down" Jimmy spoke.

"Nah, the last time I did that the door slammed into Vincent."

Once inside, the group found themselves in an old coffin room surrounded by all sorts of coffins. Cobwebs were everywhere, and the smell of dust and moldy bricks filled their noses.

"What a dump" Molly commented with disgust.

"You're telling me-" Jimmy agreed "This place smells like dead people."

"Because it is filled with dead people" Hope stated while running her fingers across a dusty coffin "Dead vampires to be exact, this is where vampires get punished, they're locked in a coffin and depending on what they did to get punished, they stay locked in for a certain amount of time. They sometimes even stay locked up until they die of starvation."

"Hold on" Molly spoke up "I'm still confused on whether vampires sleep in coffins or not."

"Only the older vampires usually do it, but even if they're used to sleeping in coffins, it sucks to be locked in one for God who knows how long with no blood, and no access to a restroom."

"Jeez" Jimmy cringed "If I was forced to get locked up in a coffin, I'd rather just let them kill me. Because I am not dying on a full bladder, I wont allow it."

"Hold on" Hope suddenly spoke while taking a sniff "I got his scent again, he is definitely in here."

"Vincent!" Molly called out.

"Guys!" they heard a muffled voice call out from a nearby coffin that was wrapped in chains.

"Vincent!" they all gasped as they ran to the coffin.

"Vincent is that you in there?!" Molly gasped.

"Yeah can you get me out!" he begged "I'm getting really claustrophobic!"

"Yeah hold on!"

After seeing that the chains were locked, they began to look around for anything to either pick the lock or at least break it open.

"Will this rock?" Molly held up a brick.

"Give me" Hope held out her hand as Molly handed her the brick.

Holding the brick firmly in her hand and using her super strength, Hope banged the brick against the lock as it broke open.

"Damn" Jimmy commented amused "With one hit."

After taking the chains off, everyone lifted up the coffin as Vincent sat and breathed in relief.

"Thanks guys" he breathed as they helped him out "I was cramped in there."

"What happened?" Hope inquired.

"Well just as the plan was going well, it went bad when Zack entered with a weak Lilith and told them what Peyton and Molly did to her. And realizing that Peyton was still alive, this happened."

"But did they drink the blood yet?"

"I don't know. Where's Peyton?"

"No clue, we all split up when we were surrounded by the vampires. For all we know Peyton could be anywhere, we don't even know if she's alive or not."

"Oh she's alive" a voice suddenly spoke making them jump as they turned and saw Him along with the other vampires including Lilith who was still weak but managed to stand while leaning against the wall, and Zack who was gripping onto Peyton.

"Probably not for long though" Zack and Lilith's father added.

"The garlic sauce wore off by the way" Peyton put in "So... yeah."

"Let her go!" Molly demanded while aiming her pistol at them.

"Look" Vincent spoke up with a stern look "I'm tired of all this shit that's been going on, I don't even care about the cure anymore. Just give her back and we'll be out of here."

"There's no point on doing that" Peyton replied with a sad look "He's been lying to you, there is no vampire cure."

"What?!" they gasped.

"Turns out your ancestor killed his wife, and now he wants vengeance. He's just been using you to get blood, and now he wants to kill you."

Vincent couldn't believe what he just heard as he turned to Him.

"Is that true?" he questioned with shock.

"It's true" Peyton answered "I saw everything in his office."

"Your ancestor took away my love" the vampire growled "And now that you're one of us, it's time for you to to suffer the way we did."

And with that he pulled Peyton away from Zack, and while gripping onto her arm, he pulled out a knife and made a slice across her forearm as she winched in pain as blood oozed out from the slice. With fresh blood in front of them, Vincent, and also Hope both felt their mouths water while clenching their fists as their hearts began to race.

"Getting thirsty?" the vampire smirked.

Peyton tried to pull away while at the same time facing Vincent to see what he would do. And to her horror, instead on stepping back, she watched as he grew out his fangs.

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