Ch.28 Files

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After making sure there weren't any vampires around, Molly stepped out from a room and slowly began to go down the hall while clutching onto her pistol. Fearing of what happened to her friends, she tried to stay calm while peeking from behind a wall to make sure the coast was clear, not knowing that Jimmy was also peering from behind.

"Coast is clear" he whispered which startled her and she took a blow to his face.

"Jeez Molly!" he exclaimed in pain while clutching his nose.

"Jimmy!" she hissed with her eyes widen "Don't sneak up on me like that! I get violent when people startle me."

"I can see" he muttered.

"Guys" Hope suddenly appeared with a worried look "Are you two okay?"

"I'm not" Jimmy replied while wiping tears from his eyes as he turned to Molly "You're making me cry."

"Where's Peyton?" Molly asked when she realized her roommate wasn't with Hope.

"I don't know I thought she went with you guys" Hope replied.

"Well do you see her here?" Molly put in with sarcasm.

"Oh damn" Hope sighed nervously "I hope she's-".

But before she could continue, she suddenly got a familiar scent.

"Another vampire?" Jimmy's eyes widen as he pulled out a silver bladed knife.

"It's- it's Vincent" Hope gasped "I have his scent!"

"You do?" Molly gasped.

"We'll find Vincent first, and then Peyton. Come on."

As they followed Hope, all Molly could think of what if Peyton was okay or not.

"You better not die on me Peyton" she breathed "Cause I am not getting another roommate."


Still in the hiding room, Peyton found herself in a large office that doubled as a small library. Everything appeared to be Victorian old and filled with antiques. Assuming it belonged to Him, Peyton started to look around when she then spotted a painting that caught her eye. It was a family portrait of Him along with Zack, Lilith, and a women she's never seen before. The family were all dressed in Victorian clothing, they all had the same bloodshot eyes, and the date on the bottom corner read 1880.

"Zack and Lilith are from the Victorian age?" she questioned confused.

Since the picture was painted instead of an actual photo with a camera, it would explain that they were all vampires, including the women. But that's when Peyton examined the women behind Lilith and next to Him, she was most likely Zack and Lilith's mother, but if she was a vampire, assuming she was, then where is she?

Putting it to the side, Peyton decided to check out the desk. The first thing she spotted was an old notebook next to some manila folders and a wine glass that was still stained with blood. Wondering what was inside the folders, she picked one up and began to examine the files inside. There she found old Victorian photos, specifically of a man who looked like an older version of Vincent.

Wondering who he was, she continued to look through the files until she came upon a photo of Vincent, most likely before he turned. But she didn't understand why Zack and Lilith's father would have a photo of Vincent. And that's when she found the answer in the files, the photo of the Victorian man is Vincent's ancestor, but that wasn't what sent chills down her spine, it was a news article clipping that read 'Local man slays vampire'. And as she read it, she suddenly realized it, Vincent's ancestor was the local man who slayed the vampire, and the vampire was Zack and Lilith's mother.

"I really wished you wouldn't have read that" she suddenly heard a voice say as she looked up and was shocked to see Zack with his arms crossed.

"How did you get in here without me noticing?" her eyes widen.

"I'm a vampire, we're sneaky."

"Of course" she sighed.

He then started to walk towards her as she stepped back in fear while pulling out her wooden stake and aiming it at him. But instead of attacking her, Zack picked up the news article clipping and read over it.

"So now you know" he mumbled.

As she looked closely, Peyton noticed that he had sadness in his eyes, she's never seen that in him before.

"So all of this-" she said still shocked "Turning Vincent into a vampire, the Dating Sucks app, how you're after us is all because Vincent's who knows how many greats grandfather killed your mother?"

"Pretty much" he shrugged.

"Zack just because of what happened to your mother doesn't mean you all have to do this."

"As a matter of fact it does" he suddenly frowned as she got more uneasy "Our mother was popular of getting the most blood than any other vampire, and ever since Vincent's who knows how many greats grandfather ended her life, we had to find a way to continue that reputation. And that's how the app was born."

"And yet you couldn't of come up with a better name?" she offered.

"... Yeah you're right" he agreed with a sigh.

Just then the door swung open as a weak and limped Lilith entered.

"Hey bro-" she spoke weakly as she steadied herself onto the bookshelf "I can finally walk again."

But when she tried to take another step, she fell forward as her head banged against the coffee table and onto the floor as Zack and Peyton cringed.

"Ow" she moaned in pain as Zack gave Peyton a dull look.

"I'm not even sorry" she stated as Zack helped his sister up just as their father entered.

"What's going on?" he demanded as Peyton froze in fear "What she doing in here?"

"Looking through your files-" Zack answered while helping Lilith stand "She knows about mom."

Their father turned to Peyton who still had the stake in her hands.

"Is there actually a cure?" she demanded.

"Ms. Jennings-" he started to say.

"Answer me!" she snapped "Is there a vampire cure or not?!"

He stood tall and gave a deep sigh while looking her straight in the eye.

"No" he answered "Of course there isn't, there never was, and never will be."

Peyton couldn't believe what she just heard as her eyes began to water and her blood started to boil.

"You just wanna kill him don't you?" she sniffed with anger "You lied to him all because you want to get back for what his ancestor did to your wife."

"You're not wrong Ms. Jennings. She was the love of my life, and she's gone because of his ancestor. But speaking of Vincent, I think it's time to pay him a visit."

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