Ch.2 Vincent

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After getting the app, Peyton and Molly were about to leave when suddenly, a nice, black car drove up and parked under a shady tree in the parking lot in front of them. The girls and everyone else had stopped what they were doing as they turned to the car and watched as a young attractive guy with blonde hair and an edgy style similar to Zack's stepped out from the car.

Peyton couldn't believe who she was looking at, her heart was beating like a hummingbird, her palms started to get sweaty, and she began to feel butterflies in her stomach. But when the guy took off his shades, Peyton could see more of his handsome face as she felt the butterflies flutter more.

"Oh my God" Molly said amused while looking at the guy "Who's that?"

"That's what I'm gonna find out" Peyton smiled as she got up and started to walk to the guy.

"Good luck!" Molly whispered with a thumbs up.

Peyton gained up her confidence as she went up to the new guy.

"Hi" she said with a friendly smile.

"Um, hi" he replied with a shy smile.

"He must be shy" Peyton thought "So cute."

"So-" she continued "You new around here?"

"Uh, no I've lived here for a while, it's just my first day back here."

"Oh you've been to this university before?"

"I transferred here from a community college during my Junior year, but then I had to take a year off, and now I'm back."

"Oh-" she said a bit surprised "Well, welcome back, whoever you are."

"I'm Vincent."

"Oh my God" she thought "Vincent? It's perfect."

"Well, nice to meet you Vincent" she smiled "I'm Peyton."

They exchanged smiles as they both felt a warm feeling in their stomachs.

"Well-" they turned and saw Zack and Lilith coming towards them.

"If it isn't Vincent" Zack smirked "I thought you decided to quit college and hide in the shadows forever."

"Yeah well I'm back" Vincent frowned.

"You guys know each other?" Peyton said surprised.

"Oh I'm sorry-" Lilith said to her "Were we talking to you?"

"Yeah well I'm talking to you" Peyton snapped.

"Yes Peyton-" Vincent spoke up with a frown "We all know each other."

"I'm sorry Peyton" Zack suddenly said "But is he bothering you?"

"What?" she said confused "No, I was just talking to him."

"Well trust me when I say this, but you don't wanna talk to him, in fact, you don't wanna hang out with him."

"And why's that?" she scowled as she crossed her arms.

"Because he's not the guy girls like you should be hanging out with."

"Excuse me?" she said offended.

"I think she gets it" Vincent frowned as he heaved his backpack onto his shoulder "Bye Peyton."

And with that he walked away as Peyton turned to the siblings with a mad look.

"Hey-" Zack said to her "You should be thanking me, he's not who he seems."

And with that they headed off, leaving Peyton wondering what was so mysterious about Vincent.


Now inside one of the campus buildings, Vincent made his way to a sofa chair and sat down where he pulled out his phone and checked his text from someone named "Him"

Him: Are you there yet?

Vincent: Yeah

Him: You know what to do

Vincent gave a sigh of disappointment as he replied.

Vincent: I know

After that he rolled back his neck against the chair and rested, not knowing that Peyton was making her way to him.

"Hi" she said with a calm smile as he turned his head to her.

"I thought Zack said you shouldn't be talking to me" he said with a slight frown.

"Yeah well I don't have to listen to him, I mean he's hot and all, but he's a jerk."

"Tell me about it" he agreed.

"So, can I join you?"

"I guess" he shrugged as she sat in the chair next to him.

"So how do you know Zack and Lilith?"

"I used to be friends with them a few years ago, we met at a bar and we talked the whole night. I even went out with Lilith for a bit, but that didn't end well and I don't wanna talk about it."

"Don't worry I wont ask."

"Well anyway, things took a wrong turn with them and because of that, I had to take a year off until I was able to go back to school."

"Well, I'm sorry things didn't go well, but I don't blame you, no one really likes them. I know I don't, Lilith has been bullying me and my best friend since middle school, and she still does it, and I don't think she's gonna stop."

"Yeah well that's who she is, an all timing, back-stabbing bitch."

"Yep" she giggled "We all hate her guts."

He gave a small smile, he was still surprised that she actually wanted to talk to him.

"Hey look I wish we could talk some more but I gotta get going" Peyton put in.


"And uh, maybe we can catch up later, how about we meet up this afternoon?"

"Oh" he said a bit surprised "Uh, sure. What time?"

"How does 3:30 at the Student Lounge sound? You can even meet my best friend."

"Um, sure I guess I can do that."

"Great" she smiled "I'll see you then."

He smiled back as she got up and walked away. He watched her walk away as her light brown hair swayed back and forth behind her. He had to admit to himself, she was really beautiful, the way she smiles, the way her eyes sparkle, and that she was so nice to him. But his thoughts about her came to a stop when he got a text, he looked at his phone and read the message from Him.

Him: By the way, don't get distracted, if you do, you wont get what you want. Got it?

Vincent gave another sigh of disappointment as he replied.

Vincent: Got it

Even he hated doing what Him ordered him to do, he knew that if he didn't do it, not only will he not get what he want, but there will be consequences.

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