Ch.8 Vampire crush

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Still in the graveyard, Zack leaned against a tree looking up at the full moon in the night sky when his sister landed next to him from the sky.

"So-" she started "Peyton found out about Vincent huh? I'm not surprised, I had a feeling she'd find out another way."

"Well get this-" Zack put in "He's not going to kill her."

"I thought so" she frowned "I knew he was too good to be true. So what do we do?"

"Well, unless he can get another victim that he wont mess up on, I guess we don't do anything yet. But I think she should keep an eye on him and Peyton, now that she knows the truth, who knows what she could do next."

Just then a rustle was heard as they turned and saw a buck deer going into the woods as their mouths began to water.

"I'll race you to the deer" Lilith declared.

"You're on" he smirked as they used their speed to go after the buck.


Still at Peyton's and Molly's dorm, Vincent sat on their couch as Molly handed him a water bottle.

"Don't worry it's not holy water" she assured.

"Like you would have holy water in your fridge" he doubted as he took the bottle.

"Good point. But now that you mention it, we really should get some holy water."

Vincent gave a small sigh as he shook his head while taking a sip of the non holy water.

"So Vincent-" Peyton said as she sat next to him "Now that we know your little secret along with the other vampire secrets, am we like, in trouble or anything?"

"No" he assured "The only time you guys will be in trouble is if you start hunting vampires."

"Well don't worry, we may of seen a lot of vampire movies, but we don't know anything about properly killing a vampire. Plus the thought of killing something gives me the chills."

"Although I gotta ask-" Molly spoke up "If we staked a vampire through it's heart, will it just collapse like a corpse or burst into ashes? Because it's different in every vampire movie."

"They'll collapse like a corpse, but if you really wanna make sure they're dead, you can either behead them and or burn their body."

"Got it."

"So uh-" Peyton spoke up next "Does anyone else know about you and the others?"

"Just my human friend Jimmy" he replied.

"Really?" Molly said a bit surprised.

"Yeah, in fact when I first became a vampire, he helped me through it until I was able to manage my new form."

"Was he ever afraid of you?" Peyton asked.

"Surprisingly no, I expected him to be, but being my best friend since childhood, he stood by me and never left my side. He helped me control my powers and he would help me get blood the first month."

"How? Did he like had to go hunting?"

"Sometimes, but usually he would bring blood from an animal hospital that his uncle works at."

"An animal hospital?" Peyton said a bit disgusted.

"The animals that are already dead."

"Oh" she said in relief "But still sad."

"And look-" he sighed at her "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I did wanted you to know, but through a more settle way."

"It's okay" she assured "I mean it's not how I wanted our date to end, but I have to admit, it's pretty cool having a friend who's a vampire."

They both exchanged smiles until Molly spoke up.

"Now uh-" she said to Vincent with a smile "Since I've always wanted to meet a vampire, can I like ask you a billion questions?"

"Sorry Molly-" he replied "But I have to get home."

"Is your home a Victorian mansion?"

"No it's at another dorm" he answered as he got up.

"Do all vampires sleep in a coffin?" she asked.

"No" he groaned as he headed to the door.

"Do you sleep in a coffin?"

"No" he opened the door.

"Do you even have a coffin?"

"Goodnight" he replied as he headed out and closed the door.

"Man-" Molly sighed "I want a vampire boyfriend."

"Okay first of all he's not my boyfriend" Peyton put in "Even though I want him to be. And second of all, I thought you were done with vampires?"

"I thought I was too, but then Vincent came along and now-" she breathed with interest "I wanna hop on that vampire train again."

Peyton rolled her eyes when a small smile. Molly was starting to remind her of when they were in their awkward teen years when they first saw 'Twilight' and they were head over heels about hot vampires.

"I still can't believe this" she said with a smile "We're friend with a super sexy vampire, how cool is that?"

"Well if he has any other sexy vampire friends that aren't dangerous, then I'm in for it."

"Hey uh, are you still up for Jimmy?"

"Well, now that I know that he's not a vampire, I may think about it, but I have to meet him first."

"Maybe we can meet him tomorrow, I'll ask Vincent. And since I've already made his way into his undead heart, I just need to find a way to make us official."

"You're lucky to have a vampire have a crush on you" Molly smiled "He's charming, sexy, he'll protect you with his haft dead life. And not to mention that he wont even drink your drink your blood, he's perfect."

"Yeah well, even though he is all of those things, I want to get to know him some more, like I wanna know how he was like before he turned. I mean was he always shy with girls? Was he always mysterious?... Or is that just like a vampire hormone thing?"

"Vampire hormone?" Molly said a bit confused "Is that even a thing?"

"Who knows" Peyton shrugged "We just got introduced into the vampire world, we may learn some things that we never knew."

"Well then, I think our questions will be answered the next time we see Vincent."

"Yeah" Peyton agreed "... Hey why are you still holding that knife?"

"Oh" Molly said a bit surprised "Guess I forgot about that."

She put the knife back as she headed to her room.


"Goodnight" Peyton replied as she closed the door.

Now alone, Peyton sat at the counter of their kitchen as she thought about Vincent.

"I have a vampire crush" she smiled to herself "Nice..."

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