Ch.18 Best escape ever

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After their little chat, Peyton and Vincent made their way down a sidewalk where gazed up at the night sky and watched as a swarm of bats flew above them and in front of the full moon.

"Can some vampires turn into bats?" Peyton asked.

"No" Vincent replied "What's the point if we can already fly?"

"Good point" she agreed when a thought came to stop as she stopped "You know I never actually got to see you fly, can I see a demonstration?"

"Well-" he responded as he slowly began to levitate while pretending to be thinking "That depends how you wanna see it, you wanna just see me hover, fly across the sky, or-".

He stopped and looked down to see that he was hovering as Peyton gave a gasp.

"Is this enough for you?" he smirked.

"No way" she gasped as he flew up more.

"I wish I can fly" she whined "If I did, I can save money on gas."

"Well flying is a bit equivalent to walking" he put in as he lowered himself to the ground "It gets tiring after a while. I only fly when I need to go somewhere far or if I need to save money on gas, and to avoid traffic."

"Smart" she commented with amusement.

"Although I can only do it at night where I can blend into the-".

But before he could continue, Vincent suddenly got a scent that made the hairs on Peyton's skin stand up, knowing that it probably wasn't a good sign.

"Let me guess-" she said while trying to hide her nervousness "Vampires are near?"

"More like behind you" she suddenly heard Lilith's voice say behind her.

"Jesus!" Peyton jumped as she stepped back while clutching her chest "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

When she calm down, she noticed that Lilith wasn't alone, and Zack and other vampires started to surround them, and they all had their fangs out.

"Well we're in deep shit now" she muttered as her heart started to race.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Vincent demanded.

"We all just came to warn you that your time is almost up" Zack smirked "And yet you still haven't gotten blood, so what the hell are you waiting for?"

Knowing that a fight was going to happen any time, Peyton stayed behind Vincent as he stared Zack in the eye with a stern look.

"I'm waiting for you to get out of my way" he growled.

"So you're gonna do it are you?" Zack questioned with his grin that made Peyton's knees wobble "You're really gonna get blood the old fashion way?"

"That's between me and myself."

At that point Zack gave a chuckle, a chuckle that made Peyton's knees wobble more that she tried to hide it from embarrassment.

"Alright then weakling" Zack smirked "If you are gonna do it, then why you do it right now and get it over with?"

Vincent's eyes widen as he felt his stomach drop.

"Say what now?" Peyton's eyes widen.

"You are gonna kill her right?" Zack smirked as he got closer to Vincent that he had to take a step back "I mean, she's still technically your first victim. And since you failed the first time, why not make it up again and try the second time?"

Vincent's blood began to boil as his grew out his fangs.

"No" he replied sternly.

"Very well-" Lilith smirked "I guess I'll do it then."

At that point Peyton felt her senses kick in as she whipped out a mini cross from her pocket and held it in front of her, causing Lilith to step back with her eyes widen.

"Bet you thought I wasn't prepared huh?" Peyton said with a side smirk "So let me give you a little warning Lil, can I call you Lil? I'm gonna call you Lil for now on. Now that I know that you blood suckers are real, this chick here is gotta prepare herself. So if I were you, I'd stay the hell away, unless you wanna get garlic bread shoved up your cooter."

Vincent gave a snicker as Lilith gave an offended look as she clenched her fists.

"This girl's great" Zack chuckled as so did the other vampires.

"Shut up!" Lilith screamed as they all did so as she turned to Vincent "If you're gonna kill someone, kill her, I bet her blood will taste so sweet that you'll have to see the dentist the same day."

"Okay first of all, vampires can't go to dentists, you know that already, and second of all, I am not gonna kill Peyton, and there's nothing you can do about it, Lil."

At that point Lilith gave a loud hiss with her fangs out as Peyton quickly stepped in front of Vincent and took a blow to Lilith's face, knocking her down as everyone's eyes widen.

"Well that felt pretty good" she remarked astonished.

But because of that, the vampires started to get closer to them with their eyes now a warning red and their fangs exposed.

"Peyton" Vincent said while staying calm "Hold onto my arm if you wanna live."

"Okay" she shrugged as she did so.

"Hang on tight" he put in as he used his vampire speed to zoom pass the vampires and away from the park and came to a stop at an empty gas station.

"How is it that I can't feel your speed?" Peyton questioned.

"Now is not the time for questions" he replied "They could still be after us. Are you in the mood to fly tonight?"

Her eyes widen as she gave a smile.

"You bet your ass I am" she grinned.

"Then climb on" he pointed to his back.

Feeling excited, she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his  chest.

"You ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Fly me away" she grinned when she suddenly heard a hiss as she turned around and saw vampires heading their way as her eyes widen "Like now!"

And with that Vincent sped off away from the gas station and flew up into a tree as they hid in the branches.

"This is gonna be like the best escape ever" Peyton smirked.

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