Ch.16 Vampire trick

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By the time Peyton and Vincent made it back to her dorm, they showed Molly and Jimmy the vampire killing kit as they surrounded it on the coffee table. The kit was covered in brown leather and looked like a vintage briefcase, and it had a key chain of a miniature dream catcher.

"Alright" Jimmy rubbed his hand with excitement "Let's see what we got in here."

"I already smells like death to me" Vincent remarked as he opened up the kit as an old dusty scent struck their noses.

"Okay it really smells like death now" Peyton cringed with disgust.

"It smells like my grandmother's house after she's been smoking" Jimmy put in "So yeah it pretty much smells like death."

After getting used to the smell, everyone examined the items the kit offered.

"Let's see what we got" Vincent announced as he pointed "Crucifix, holy water, pistol, silver bullets, rosary, wooden stake, and..."

He picked up a small vessel containing a form of herb.

"Vervain" he read the label.

"Vervain?" Peyton questioned "Like from 'Vampire Diaries'?"

"Correct, and just like in 'Vampire Diaries', if a vampire touches vervain, it can burn their skin, and you know what happens when a vampire consumes it."

"I kinda wanna see that" Molly remarked.

As she examined the kit, Peyton couldn't stop staring at the wooden stake as she reached out and held it in her hand.

"Oh yeah" she grinned "I definitely feel like Buffy now. Which reminds me, if we have time tonight, we should watch a few episodes of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'."

"Oh yesssssss" Molly cheered "One of the best vampire shows ever, since Buffy couldn't be with Angel, I would totally take him for myself. I mean how could you not ignore that face and that body?"

"I definitely didn't ignore it" Peyton smirked.

"Oh you girls and your vampire fantasies" Vincent snickered.

Peyton gave a small giggle as she placed the stake back into the kit. At least Vincent was real, and she didn't have to pretend in her little fantasy.

"Okay then-" she announced "Now that we got the kit, I say we have a marathon of vampire movies."

"Sweet!" Jimmy cheered "What have you got? And please tell me we're not watching 'Twilight'."

"We're not" she answered as she pulled out a shopping bag from the side of the couch "So yesterday I got some awesome vampire movies that Molly and I didn't own and would be really interesting to watch. So I got-".

She then started to pull the DVDs out one by one.

"'Interview with the Vampire' with the young and hot Tom Cruise along with Brad Pitt. 'Fright Night', 'The Lost Boys', and... 'Hotel Transylvania'."

"Yeah!" everyone cheered.

Even though 'Hotel Transylvania' was more of a comedy, Peyton felt that they needed a bit of humor, and what better way to get a laugh by watching Dracula deal with his weird friends? And by the time they were in the middle of watching 'Hotel Transylvania', Jimmy and Molly had fallen asleep on the couch as the DVD case for the movie slid out of Molly's now droopy hand and onto the floor. Not wanting to wake them up, Peyton ejected the DVD from the DVD player and turned off the TV.

"I think that's enough for tonight" she decided as she turned to Molly and Jimmy "These two need their beauty sleep.

"Well it is getting late" Vincent put in "I'm gonna need to take Jimmy back to our place."

They turned to Jimmy who was snoring while hugging a throw pillow.

"He seems to be dead asleep" Peyton remarked "Are you sure you wanna wake him?"

"Well I just can't let him stay the night."

She sighed "Well let him sleep for a bit, and then we can put his hand in warm water."

"What?" his eyes widen as she gave a quiet laugh.

"I'm kidding" she giggled "Although since he's asleep it would be a really good time to do that."

Vincent couldn't help but smile at her personality, she wasn't like any other girls he's met, she was quirky, bubbly, and always knew how to make him smile, which are some of the reasons that he liked about her. And as he thought about her, he soon got an idea, but Peyton suddenly spoke up before he could say it.

"Oo I have something for you" she announced as she went to her fridge.

Thinking it was going to be blood or some form of bloody food, Vincent was a bit astonished when he watched her take out an orange.

"I got you a blood orange" she grinned with a tune.

"Wow" he chuckled as she tossed him the orange.

"I bet these are all vampires favorite fruit huh?" she mentioned while keeping a small grin on her face.

"Certainly" he replied with a smile when he soon got an idea "Hey you wanna see me do a trick?"

"What kind of trick?"

"You know how vampires sink their fangs into flesh and suck the blood? Well we can do the same thing with fruits."

"Shut up and show me" she ordered with interest.

Turning to the fruit, Vincent opened his mouth as Peyton watched as he grew out his fangs (which to her was surprisingly satisfying), he then sank his fangs into the orange as the blood red juice oozed from the holes and dripped down the skin. As he began to suck in the juice, Peyton watching with amazement as the orange started to loose it's round shape and get sucked in due to the juice loss. And by the time Vincent had sucked all of the juice, the orange was completely flexible and flat as he took out his fangs where she saw the red juice all over his teeth and mouth.

"Pretty cool huh?" he grinned with his fangs.

"So that's how it's done" she concluded with amusement "Expect your prey don't become all flat."

"Well they do become lighter" he included as he wiped the juice off his mouth.

"Any other tricks?"

"Not that I know of, most of the things I do are just plain vampire powers. Although I can burp the ABCs."

"Please don't do that."

"I wont" he promised with a small smirk.

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