Ch.21 Night preparation

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By the time it had gotten dark, Peyton sat on her bed with the vampire kit in front of her as she placed silver bullets into the pistol. Tomorrow was the day that she could die, unless her plan works. But with everything finally settled, all she could do now was hope for the best. Just then she heard a knock as her door opened as Vincent peeked in.

"Mind if I come in?" he asked.

"Well considering that you've already opened the door without my permission-" she replied with a hint of sarcasm "Sure, come on in."

"Sorry" he apologized with guilt as he stepped in and closed the door.

"Just be happy I wasn't naked" she smirked "Now that would of been a whole new story."

He gave a snicker while sitting on the corner of her bed.

"So-" he started while examining the kit "You ready for tomorrow?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" she sighed while putting the pistol back into the kit "Tomorrow I will either get killed by vampires, or I kill them, that is if my plan goes smoothly."

"Yeah I still don't know about this" he admitted with a nervous look.

"Well we don't really have any other choice, it's either this or the vampires prove you wrong and you know what happens."

He sighed while looking down. All he could think about was this may be the last night he'll see Peyton alive. He had no idea what would happened the next night, and if he was ready for it.

"Hey can I ask you something?" she suddenly questioned as he faced her "Do you think the vampires will turn me, or just kill me?"

"I doubt they would turn you, they'll kill any one of my friends, I know it."

She sighed "I guess that's good."

"It should be, I'd rather die than be a monster that has to drink blood everyday or else I become a full time Dracula."

"Well on the bright side, you don't talk in that ridiculous vampire accent."

He gave a side smirk while rolling his eyes.

"Although speaking of major vampires-" she suddenly put in "Do you think tomorrow we'll meet, well, Him?"

He cringed "I hope not. Well I've already met him but if you do, you're pretty much a goner."

"How's he like?"

"Like if Dracula aged but still had the personality of Lestat de Lioncourt."

She sat there dumbfound "Yeah I don't know what to say to that."

"The main thing is your plan has to work, if it doesn't, you may get a trip to see old Drac."

"Hey if we aren't able to get the cure for you, what will you do?"

He sighed while shaking his head.

"I don't know" he replied "For all I know he has the only cure for vampirism, and I don't think there's more. But even if I can't get the cure, at least it's better than becoming a full immortal vampire, I mean do you know how scary being immortal is?"

"Well I'm not immortal so no."

"Right-" he remembered "But being immortal is not as cool as it sounds. I mean sure you have a less chance of dying, but when you're immortal, you get to see the ones you care about who aren't immortal grow up and die while you stay young forever. And not only that, being immortal means you have to live a lifetime of the worlds crisis and not being able to do anything about it. I mean what if you're there when the world end?"

"Oh jeez" her eyes widen "You know I always wondered how the world was going to end. Is it by an explosion, a zombie apocalypse, Russia attack, what?"

"In my opinion, I would rather have  zombie apocalypse, cause if I'm still a vampire by the time it happens, I can easily rip them to shreds."

"And if I'm still alive, you'll be my bodyguard" she added with a smile as he gave a chuckle.

But Peyton knew the chance of that was almost impossible, she didn't know when there was ever going to be an apocalypse, and if there was, she would most likely be dead by the time it came, probably killed by vampires if she's not careful.

"But look-" Vincent added "Just because you watch a lot of vampire movies doesn't mean you automatically know how to fight vampires."

"I know" she agreed in a sigh "But it's worth a shot. And besides, I'm going to 'Blood Lust' tomorrow to see if Hope can give me any animal blood for my plan."

"Well when you do, don't get chicken blood, it tastes like black coffee."

"Ew" she cringed.

"And one more thing, I'd bring lots of band aids, cause if you cut yourself and I see blood, you know what happens."

"Right-" she agreed, remembering the first time Vincent saw her blood before she found out the whole truth.

"So please cover up a cut whenever you can" he begged "The last thing I wanna do is drink human blood, especially yours."

"Don't worry, I will" she promised.


After that, the two sat there in an awkward silence until Vincent spoke up.

"Well uh-" he started to say "I guess I should go."

"Okay" Peyton replied as he got up and headed to the door before turning back to her.


"Goodnight" she waved "Don't let the bedbugs bite."

"Seriously?" he said dully.

"Yeah" she giggled.

After leaving her dorm, Vincent walked down the sidewalk that was lit up by the street lights as the moon shown down on him. But all of a sudden he felt his stomach rumble as he stopped, clutching his stomach that was growling with hunger, he frantically searched around for an animal to drink its blood. But the street was dead empty, he couldn't even find a single squirrel.

"You hungry already?" a devilish voice spoke up.

Already knowing who it was, Vincent gave a frown as he turned around to see Zack.

"I don't think you'll find a squirrel in this area" he smirked as he held out a canteen "If you want, I got blood right here."

"Don't even think about it" Vincent warned.

"Very well" Zack shrugged while taking a sip of the blood as he smiled in relief with the blood all over his teeth "Ah, that Kelly girl sure taste good."

Vincent gave a growl as he turned around and walked away.

"You know you can't escape this!" Zack called "You'll always be a monster Vincent!"

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