The Quirk Assessment Test

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Miri's PoV

"At your middle schools, you weren't allowed to use your quirks, so during your gym classes, you couldn't give it your all. Well here you will use your quirks to your own advantage." Mr. Aizawa says.

He calls up Bakugo, "Bakugo, what was your highest distance when throwing a ball?"

Bakugo frowns and answers, "70 meters."

"Now throw the ball and this time, use your quirk." Mr. Aizawa tells him.

He throws the ball using his explosion quirk, and it goes 756.2 meters.

The whole class is stunned.
Bakugo smirks.
Then we all move on.

"There will be a total of 7 tests. Do your best, because the person who scores the lowest will be expelled." Our teacher explains.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Ochaco says, "You can expel us?!"

"I run this class, and I can do whatever I want with it."

That's true. Since all the teachers in this school are heroes, they can run their class however they see fit. Once, Aizawa-sensei (now I know what to call him) expelled a whole class.

"For the first test you will run this track, and your time will be counted." He holds up two stopwatches, I guess we'll be going two at a time.

First up are Ida and Bakugo. Ida uses the engine on his calves, and Bakugo boosts himself with his explosions. And that continues. I watch as Izuku goes. He doesn't have a very high score, because he doesn't use his quirk. Then It's my turn and I go up against Kirishima. I already know what I'm going to do. When we go, I jump super high, and use my explosions to boost myself all the way. I get 4.83 seconds! Wow, I've always wanted to be high in the air like that.

While everyone else is going, Bakugo pulls me aside and says, "Do you have 2 quirks or something!? During the entrance exam, you used ice, now you jumped super high and boosted yourself with explosions! MY QUIRK!"

"Which is also my quirk too. And actually, have 3 quirks. Ice, Explosion, and Frog." I answer with a friendly smile despite his attitude.

"Ugh. Just know I'm still stronger." He says back. The look of that's impossible is written all over his face.

Here comes the hard part. "I know you're so strong, and...that's why I was wondering if you'd help me train with my explosion quirk?" My smile turns small and shy, and I move back a bit in case he explodes at me.

He seems to think about it. "I'll think about it." Then his eyes widen. "Wait what am I saying?! Helping someone else!?" He seems furious at his self.

"Is that a yes or a no...?" I ask nervously.

"It's a maybe." and he runs off.

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