Michiko Muratagi

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Miris PoV

"Where'd you get all these band-aids?" I ask Shooting Star as she places the last band-aid on my body.

"Well, I tend to hurt myself a lot. Either with villains or my own clumsiness!" She laughs nervously.

"Haha, in that way we're alike. I remember when I first asked Katsuki to train me, I managed to knock over my chair, fall into someone's lap, and bruise my knees!" I tell her.

"Sounds like something I would do!" She agrees. "Did you know that I went to UA, too? It's just that so many of the heroes are 30 years old, meaning they were all at UA at the same time, but I'm 24, so they don't know me much."

"Well, I'm glad I found you!" I respond.

She tells me to rest for a bit, so that we can do training later. After reviewing my experiences in this world, this time without negative thoughts, I fall asleep.

Once I wake up, I sit up, only to be met by Shooting Star, who is bouncing in her seat. "Oh good you're awake! Here's your hero costume! Let's get training!" She hands me a bag that has my hero costume inside.

There's a note inside that says:

Dear Miri Miyake,

During your class's visit to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, your hero costume was damaged, and we did not have enough materials to fully repair your yellow shirt.

It now is shorter, exposing some of your skin (The front and back of your torso).

If it is inconvenient for you, we apologize, and you may send it back if you truly do not like the new design.

Best wishes in becoming a hero,
Mei Hatsume.

That girl has some real talent.

I look at my hero costume, and when I put it on I realize it does show more skin that I originally wanted it to. Then again, it's original design was meant to show no extra skin.

But still, they work hard to make our costumes, so it would be just rude to send it back to them, demanding for it to be fixed. So I leave it on, and decide to deal with it.

"Nice costume! I didn't think it showed that much skin before, though." Shooting Star says.

"Thanks, Shooting Star, and you're right, the yellow shirt was longer."

"Oh, what a shame." She shakes her head, then smiles. "Anyways, it's kind of awkward for you to call me Shooting Star all the time. My real name is Michiko Muratagi, Michiko's fine."



"Focus! Right there." Michiko points to where I'm supposed to be aiming my explosion. We have to work in aiming first because 'It would be better to launch a perfectly aimed weak attack than blast an extremely powerful explosion, hurting the villain and the heroes.'

I was wondering for a while how she aimed all of those bubbles at the villain, who was right in front of me, without laying a single scratch on me. And on top of that, how did bubbles hurt him?

During my training with Katsuki, he never once mentioned that aim was more important. Then again, why would he? Maybe training with him wasn't the best option.

Aiming my explosion at a target right in front of me, I shoot an explosion at it, and make it right where I'm supposed to. All the while using small explosions that singe only the target.

"Okay you're good there! Now let's take a break from explosions and do some physical exercises!" Michiko announces to me.

After stretching and exercising, we eat lunch.

When was the last time I ate? I'm... hungry

While eating, I think about what's happened since the Internships started.

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