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Miri's PoV

"Let's just get this over with. Defeat all the villains. Bring everyone out of hiding," I say as Katsuki drives through town. It had been about a year since Chieko's death. Every time I think about her, I relive the scene of me not being able to save her, and her little innocent body crumbling away. Thanks to Katsuki, I at least don't have to deal with the weight of thinking I'm a murderer.

Now, there are only a handful of villains left, and they're all in one city. Defeating them, though, doesn't bring me the joy it used to. Heck, why am I even here? I just wanted to meet some cool anime characters then waddle on back home.

Fighting all those villains have gotten fatal, leaving scars on my body, but making me physically stronger than Katsuki or Michiko ever could have.

The van comes to a screeching halt. In front of us is a villain. He just stands there, smiling. I look out the windows, and I notice that we're being zipped in a giant bag. Katsuki notices, too, so he runs into the villain, knocking him out. The bag disappears. He drives back home in silence. That's how lots of our "attacks" go. Just one swift move and we're done.


Changing into pajamas the moment we get home, I kick my bed hard out of frustration and sadness, tightening my fists at the pain.

The pain...? The underneath of my bed should be empty.

I fall to the ground in a hurry. I look under my bed, and there's a small metal box. Grabbing it, I swiftly pull it out and open in. Out flutters a piece of paper.

Dear Miri,

I now the vilins are getting stronger. So you need my help too! I am sorry if I get hurt if I try to help you. But we can sukseed if I help my friends!

But if your reading this....... I think I know what hapened. Oopsies! Thank you for everything, and tell everyone I looooooove them so much! I'm sorry, but don't be sad, that's no good and you cannot fite the right way.

Love, Chieko Sasaki

"Ch-Chieko?" I cover my mouth, wondering how long the note was there. Seconds later after reading and re-reading the note many times, gentle tears begin to soak the note. "I love you Chieko. Please come back to me..." I whisper, hugging the note tightly.

Don't be sad, huh?

mega time skip

The last one... is right in front of us. How do we know she's the last?—Zenith's handy dandy quirk, of course.

The one that can mean life for Japan, or death. Even though she is out numbered, I doubt she cares. But all six of us have something worth fighting for.

She looks at us, grinning sadistic like. Then she jumps on the the wall and sticks to it. She moves very quickly that it seems like she teleported. The next the thing I know is seeing her blur make its way to me, then she's holding me up by my neck.

I struggle to breathe. So this is what it's like being suffocated. Still, the only thing on my mind is Chieko. Strangely enough, I feel myself smiling.

"Get your hands off her Zoomy Spider Lady!" Katsuki yells, blasting her.

She drops me and dodges.

"Someone needs to hold her down." I state with a cheery voice.

They all look at me in wonder. Did I do something? All I said was a simple statement.

"Someone needs to hold her down," I repeat.

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